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Quote1 Could he still be alive? Quote2
-- Lex Luthor II

Appearing in "Grave Obsession"

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Synopsis for "Grave Obsession"

Lex Luthor II and Supergirl are awakened in the middle of the night by an alarm Luthor had installed in Superman's tomb. With the surveillance cameras disabled, infrared sensors are show movement leaving the tomb. Thinking that Superman's alive, Lex sends Supergirl to investigate via a secret tunnel he installed. However when she goes to investigate, an undercover cop sees her enter the tomb who calls Dan Turpin. Supergirl sees the coffin missing and a hole drilled into the tomb's walls

Outside the tomb, Jose Delgado, despite being dumped by Cat Grant, considers becoming Gangbuster again, even though he's given a passive warning from Inspector Henderson not to. Lois, Jonathan, and Martha spend their night comforting one another, before Jonathan and Martha return to Smallville the next day.

Supergirl, via radio contact, tells Lex that the hole in the wall was made from the outside and that the tunnel is sophisticatedly made. Turpin arrives on the scene and enters the tunnel as well.

Meanwhile in Suicide Slum, Gangbuster and Bibbo take care of some low-lifes.

Back in the tunnel, Supergirl hears voices coming from a fork in the tunnel path, suddenly she comes into contact with the Underworlders. Turpin catches up to her and helps her fend them off. After a couple of live grenades are set off, Supergirl and Turpin hightail it out of there, narrowly escaping the explosion and debris cave-in. Supergirl returns to tell Lex everything, while Turpin and Maggie Sawyer have a good hunch that Cadmus has Superman's body.


This issue is reprinted in the World Without a Superman trade paperback and the Superman: The Death and Return of Superman Omnibus.

See Also


Try Your Luck


Creepy Vol 1 1
Crossgen Logo New

This comic page is missing characters!

This comic page is missing one or more character appearances. If you find any characters that appear in this issue but are not included on the page, please add them to the Appearances list of the comic issue template.
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Superman Man of Steel Vol 1 18
Crossgen Logo New

The Death and Return of Superman
The events from this issue or series are related to The Death and Return of Superman, a retroactively named trilogy in which Superman is killed by the monster Doomsday, and then later brought back to life. Meanwhile, four superheroes debut in Metropolis to take his place, The Eradicator, Steel, Cyborg Superman, and Superboy.
This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the Death and Return of Superman Crossovers category.
