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Appearing in "Time Out For Terror"

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Synopsis for "Time Out For Terror"

Research students from the future, 2059 A.D., visit Earth in order to make a documentary about the Jaguar using his great powers.

Appearing in "The Jaguar's Last Stand"

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Synopsis for "The Jaguar's Last Stand"

An alien is searching the Earth for Iron Ores. As his space craft "drinks up" the rays of Iron, Jaguar notices steel bridges, planes and other metal structures becoming skeletal. He flies up to outer-space and carries the alien craft back to a beachfront. He explains to the robot visitor that by taking steel resources from the planet, he's causing terrible havoc. The robot can careless and zaps Jaguar with a numbing ray.

Meanwhile, Jill Ross (Ralph's secretary) happens to be driving by the beach road, and see's Jaguar in trouble. She finds the hero frozen, but also notices the creature likes her. She begins to trick the monster with flattery. They both agree that the alien should scour the Earth for more Iron resources and then later take Jill back to his planet as his wife.

Once the alien speeds away, Jill telepathically calls out to her rivals, Cat Girl and Kree-Nal, to help revive the Jaguar. Kree-Nal brings sea-salt to warm his frozen body. When the creature comes back to claim Jill, she asks for one last "glowing" look from him. From behind a rock, Cat Girl creates an illusion of Jaguar being alive. The alien panics and shoots his "warm gaze" upon the Jaguar. As Jill suspected, the Jaguar is thawed out and ready to fight the steel-stealing fiend.

Appearing in "The Lady Godiva of the Elephants"

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Synopsis for "The Lady Godiva of the Elephants"

At the zoo, Jill Ross continues to follow Ralph everywhere, thus he makes an elephant fall in love with her. Now with a new found friend, Jumbo the Elephant is following her around, and Ralph can change into the Jaguar without her sneaking about.

See Also

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