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Hey Kids Comics Wiki

This page may contain some of the same content as the DC Database article. A more complete and current article is at the DC Comics Database Alan Markham (New Earth).
The complete list of authors can be seen in that articles page history. We wish to thank all awesome contributors at the DC Database who have worked so hard to bring us this information..

Alan Markham is a music video and movie director.

Markham started out directing music vidoes at Stellar Studios, where he had some contact with Infinity, Inc.'s Jade and Obsidian.[1] He was hired to direct a movie adaptation of the alien invasion, called Invasion!: The Movie. Shooting in the Arizona desert, his set was disrupted by Will Payton. To make up for the lost production, he agreed to be in it as a stunt double - with his durability and strength they could make the stunts look way more realistic.[2]

Hoping to convince the man he just knew as "Bill Beard" to make more movies, Markham took him to his Hollywood mansion, where he introduced him to some other show business professionals.[1]

He later directed a music video for Witchfire on a graveyard.[3]

  • 3 Appearances of Alan Markham (New Earth)
  • Minor Appearances of Alan Markham (New Earth)
  • Media Alan Markham (New Earth) was Mentioned in
  • Images featuring Alan Markham (New Earth)
  • Quotations by or about Alan Markham (New Earth)
  • Character Gallery: Alan Markham (New Earth)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Starman #23
  2. Starman #22
  3. The Power Company #8

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