Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Appearing in "Rebecca, Please Come Home (Part 4 of 4)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Sean
  • Rebecca Cross


  • Katherine Cross

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Rebecca, Please Come Home (Part 4 of 4)"

At a bar in a neighboring town, Rebecca Cross is alive and well and explaining her adoration for the vigilante Daredevil before reading a poem that she wrote in his honor. Jessica watches the performance, after which she witnesses Rebecca kiss a girl before both of them spot her. Jessica hauls Rebecca from the bar, throwing off the bouncer and peeling out of the parking lot.

On the car ride back to Lago, Rebecca laments having to live "in that racist shithellhole" surrounded by bigotry and ignorance. She promises that as soon as Jessica drops her off and leaves, she will run away once again because she refuses "to sit tight and 'bide [her] time'," claiming that "life is too fucking short to live in a town like" Lago. The conversation is interrupted when Jessica receives a call from Murdock, who asks her to stop by his office the next morning. Jessica agrees, and Rebecca is dumbfounded that Jessica knows Matt Murdock.

Jessica drives Rebecca past the sign outside town reading "REBECCA, PLEASE COME HOME. WE LOVE YOU." and returns to the home of Rebecca's mother where she finds Sean arresting Rebecca's aunt while Pugawa attempts to interview her. Rebecca rushes through the crowd to her mother, who promptly slaps Rebecca, calls her a "selfish whore," and blames her for her father's death before Rebecca flees the scene.

Jessica eventually finds Rebecca hiding in the bell tower of the town's church, and the two discuss the death of Rebecca's father and the unfortunate state of the world before Jessica offers to drive Rebecca back to her girlfriend. Later, Jessica meets with Sean, explaining that Rebecca's girlfriend had already arrived in Lago looking for Rebecca, and receives a check from Sean cajoled Rebecca's mother into writing. Jessica learns that Katherine Cross admitted to murdering Ed Cross, and returns Rebecca's collage books to Sean before heading out of town.

On the ride back to New York City, Jessica receives another call from Scott Lang, and asks him to "keep [her] company [on the] drive home."

See Also

Links and References

