This page may contain some of the same content as the Marvel Database article. A more complete and current article is at the Marvel Comics Database Alison Blaire (Earth-58163). The complete list of authors can be seen in that articles page history.
We wish to thank all awesome contributors at the Marvel Database who have worked so hard to bring us this information..
Alison grew up under the watchful eye of her lawyer father on Long Island. Always eager to perform, Alison was a talented singer who was unable to catch any breaks-until the day she became a mutant. With the ability to transform sound into light, Alison became an overnight sensation in a world looking for the next big mutant act. She became the biggest pop star in the world, selling millions of records and performing in front of stadiums full of loyal fans.
Unfortunately, like all teen idols, her star eventually faded and she drifted from the public eye. After years in obscurity, the girl once known as Dazzler discovered her new calling as the host of her own talk show, Alison. Able to shed her pop past, Alison was known for her ability to get not only the biggest mutant heroes to do her show, but also political leaders. Alison was the place where mutants and humans turned to find out about what was hot in the mutant world and what they should be thinking. It was the most popular talk show in America, and perhaps the world.
According to the tabloids, Alison's signature lightshow was fading due to a rare blood disorder, which was causing her to lose her mutation. Storm used Alison's show to sound off on her disapproval of Magneto's handling of mutant affairs. Mr. Sinister watched Alison when Deadpool went to rescue an infant Cable.
Powers and Abilities
Allison is a mutant able to convert sound waves into light.