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Appearing in "Shadows of the Past"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Previous Appearance of Gary Cody Gary Cody Next Appearance of Gary Cody
  • Doug Thompson Next Appearance of Doug Thompson (First appearance)
  • Chief Inspector Hamilton Next Appearance of Chief Inspector Hamilton (First appearance)
  • Dan Smallwood Next Appearance of Dan Smallwood (Only in flashback)
  • Gladys Smallwood (First and Only Appearance)
  • Tom Smallwood (First and Only Appearance)
  • Angus - (Appears in flashback and main story), (Single appearance)[1]


Other Characters:


  • Albany River
  • Fort Albany



Synopsis for "Shadows of the Past"

  • Synopsis not yet written.

Appearing in "Origins of Alpha Flight: In the Beginning..."

Featured Characters:

wikipedia:James Hudson (Earth-616)/Appearances]] Next Appearance of James Macdonald Hudson

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


  • Am-Cam Corporation



Synopsis for "Origins of Alpha Flight: In the Beginning..."

James Macdonald Hudson is a young scientist working for the Am-Cam Corporation. He has designed a cybernetic suit of armour for purposes of development, excavation and exploration. However, his project team leader, Jerry Jaxon, comes into his office one day and tells Mac that he is taking the project away from him. Jaxon is handing the cyber-suit over to the American military, one of Am-Cam's largest defense contractors. Hudson is furious that his work is being used for the American war machine and quits his job.

As he storms out of the building, he bumps into Jaxon's secretary, Heather McNeil. McNeil tells Mac that she heard about what had happened, and had tendered her resignation when she discovered how the company had treated him. Although Hudson doesn’t know it yet, Heather and he will be married to one another in less than a year.

Later that evening, Mac schemes against his former employers. He returns to Am-Cam and steals the cyber-suit. He then uses it to break into the company's security vault, so that he can destroy all blueprints relating to the machine's design. He is happy to discover that the blueprints remain in a sealed envelope, so he knows that nobody could have copied them. Using the apparatus’ gauntlets, he incinerates all of the classified documents.

Mac then takes the suit out of the building and parks it on a nearby hill. He recognizes that the armour-suit is technically Am-Cam property, but he designed the cybernetic helmet prior to working for the corporation. The armour will not function without the cybernetic helmet, so Mac takes it with him.


Main Story Notes

  • Marrina's origin is revealed in this issue. Earliest chronological appearance of Marrina.
  • First appearance of the Alpha Flight Omnijet.
  • This issue establishes that Marrina is eighteen-years-old.
  • It is revealed that Snowbird has a prior arrangement made by a former Royal Canadian Mounted Police administrator, which allows her to keep open hours at the office. This enables Snowbird to maintain a civilian identity, and go on adventures with her colleagues in Alpha Flight.

Origins of Alpha Flight Notes

  • The Origins of Alpha Flight storyline in this issue takes place ten years prior to events chronicled in Alpha Flight (Volume 1) #1. This story establishes that James MacDonald Hudson worked for the Am-Cam corporation for four-years prior to the events in this tale.
  • Origins of Alpha Flight likewise establishes that James marries Heather McNeil nine years prior to the events in Alpha Flight #1.


  • The reason why Hudson switched from being called Weapon Alpha to Vindicator is revealed in this issue. In his first appearance as Weapon Alpha (in Uncanny X-Men #109), he recklessly attacked the X-Men, injuring Moira MacTaggert in the process. Now Hudson wishes to vindicate the innocents who have been hurt due to his actions. According to the editorial provided at the end of issue #1, this explanation was provided in order justify what writer John Byrne felt was an awkward super-hero name.
  • Sasquatch jokingly tells Northstar that he has a sudden craving for frog's legs in this issue. A frog is also a derogatory term often used to describe someone of French descent.

See Also

Recommended Reading


  1. First and only known appearance to date besides flashbacks

Try Your Luck

