Hey Kids Comics Wiki

This page may contain some of the same content as the Marvel Database article. A more complete and current article is at the Marvel Comics Database Amahl Farouk (Earth-1610).
The complete list of authors can be seen in that articles page history. We wish to thank all awesome contributors at the Marvel Database who have worked so hard to bring us this information..

Amahl Farouk was Storm's lover and the leader of the group of thieves that she and Lady Deathsrtike once belonged to. When Storm's power manifested and she summoned lighting for the first time, she accidentally electrocuted Farouk. During this time, his mind was sent to another dimension where he encountered the Brood, and became the Shadow King. After joining the X-Men, Storm started writing a play called the Shadow King in secret, only telling it to Professor X and Shadowcat. Shadow King eventually started plotting his revenge against Storm, speaking to her in one of her dreams, she then woke up and prepared to add the dream to the play. He later contacted her while she was awake and warned that he was "Coming for her". Eventually, he attempted to kill Storm, but was forced out of her mind when she (apparently) fatally electrocuted him. Upon waking, she was comforted by her teammates, and deleted the play from her personal computer, stating that that part of her life was over now.


Shadow King possesses telepathy and the ability to take over other peoples' bodies.


Experienced thief

  • 3 Appearances of Amahl Farouk (Earth-1610)
  • Minor Appearances of Amahl Farouk (Earth-1610)
  • Media Amahl Farouk (Earth-1610) was Mentioned in
  • Images featuring Amahl Farouk (Earth-1610)
  • Quotations by or about Amahl Farouk (Earth-1610)
  • Character Gallery: Amahl Farouk (Earth-1610)


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