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Quote1 No, Brain. It was a good thing. Your old master did something noble that day-- and humble. He admitted that I was the Superior Spider-Man. He asked for help. And out of love he wiped his own brain. Quote2
Peter Parker

Appearing in "Before Dead No More - Part Three: Full Otto"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

Races and Species:

  • Humans (Appears in flashback and main story)




  • Orphan One (Appears on a Computer Screen, TV or Hologram Only)

Synopsis for "Before Dead No More - Part Three: Full Otto"

After the fight with the Inherithors, Otto created a digital duplicate of his mind, and placed it in his web-shooters along with the artificial intelligence he created in 2099. Otto initially plans to take over Peter's body again, but cannot remember. as he has taken it back and not being able to stay forever in the octobot of luck into which he transformed the web-shooter, he decides to move into the living brain. Over time, he begins to manipulate events in Parker Industries, and decides to move into the body of Anna Maria's new boyfriend, Aiden Blain. But Otto didn't think that he had programmed the transfer software on his mind and Peter's, ergo he can't enter other bodies. To get rid of Aiden he has him move to Australia and get him a new job. Ock manages to brigade to return to New York and convinces Peter and Anna that there is something wrong with the robot and while Peter checks it he asks how he managed to expel it from his body. When he discovers that he himself has let Peter take back the body, because he considered himself inferior to Goblin but he knew that Peter could defeat him, Otto goes on a rampage and attacks Spidey and in order to try to eliminate him he destroys the robot, transferring his mind back in the bracelet. Certain that being in Peter's body has weakened his intellect and that for this he judged him superior, he decides to return to his old body by cloning it thanks to the New U.

Solicit Synopsis

• BEFORE “DEAD NO MORE” marches you closer to the Spider-Event of 2016.


• Doc Ock has been trapped in the body of The Living Brain since the first issue, but now it’s time for him to act!

See Also

Links and References

