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Quote1 Gather 'round, folks, and feast your eyes on some of the deadliest creatures ever to roam the Earth! We call them -- the Savage Six! Quote2

Appearing in "Hunted: Prelude"

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Synopsis for "Hunted: Prelude"

After Kraven kills the guide of a poach hunter named Bob, to the latter's surprise, he declares that he does not want to kill him, but rather make him a hunter. A flashback reveals Kraven's plan: after moving to the Wildlands, he began killing humanoid animals created by the High Evolutionary. The latter eventually gave up and said he was willing to do whatever Kraven wanted to stop him from killing his creatures. So, Kraven ordered the geneticist to clone himself 87 times, and to make the clones mature into adulthood at a slightly faster pace, thus Windham complied. However, Kraven's daughter Ana learned of her father's plans and left him in disgust.

When his "sons" matured into young men, Kraven sent them around the world to hunt, and ordered they return home after some time. Once the designated time passed, only one son returned after killing all of his "brothers" along the way, much to Kraven's surprised satisfaction. The hunter then explained to his last son how the region of his land was dying due to climate change and how unworthy poachers were due to their methods. Given that killing or frightening them all would be impossible, Kraven instead decided to push them to hunt all the super criminals with animal inspired identities-- in fact, according to the hunter, they committed the sacrilege of having given themselves the name of the beasts without honoring the souls of their respective totems. And now, Kraven will teach them what it means to be hunted.

Billy sneaks out to go to a party and his father Curt calls Peter Parker requesting he send Spider-Man to find him. However, Peter feels unwell due to a cold, but still goes out in search of Billy. The appearance of the latter at a public setting, triggers panic at the party and the boy runs away to the street, where he is kidnapped by Black Ant and Taskmaster who were actually searching for his father. Later, while looking for Billy Connors, Spider-Man is found by the Spider-Tracer-Tracker he had given to the Black Cat, on which the latter recorded a message: Felicia relays a message that she ended up in a trap and that the Lizard's son is with her.

Solicit Synopsis


• The biggest AMAZING SPIDER-MAN story of the year starts next month, so don’t miss this prologue!

• The Kraven thread gets woven into Spider-Man’s life in a terrifying way that puts Spidey on the road to ruin!


  • This issue implies that the "Unhuntable Sergei" from the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl comic was actually a clone of Kraven, just as any appearance of Kraven since Amazing Spider-Man #637 was a clone, and they were killed for disgracing Kraven's legacy.

See Also

Links and References


  1. First and only known appearance to date besides flashbacks