Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
- Wonder Woman (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Amazons of Themyscira
- Antimache (First appearance)
- Areto (First appearance)
- Hippolyta (First appearance)
- Steve Trevor (First appearance)
- Cheetah (First appearance)
- Kasnian Army
- Mr. Ulanski (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Barack Obama (First appearance)
- Catwoman (First appearance)
- Duela Dent (First appearance)
- Minotaur
- Adelphos
- Heron
- Pegasus (First appearance)
- Poison Ivy (First appearance)
- Hercules (Mentioned)
- Lasso of Truth
- Tears of Panacea
Synopsis for 1st story
- Synopsis not yet written