This page may contain some of the same content as the Marvel Database article. A more complete and current article is at the Marvel Comics Database Amora (Earth-1610). |
Amora assisted Loki in his scheme against the New Ultimates, enchanting Valkyrie and Zarda with her magic. When Hawkeye shot her through the chest, her spell was broken. When she regained consciousness, Loki informed her that he had killed Valkyrie. Realizing that everything was just a game to Loki, Amora left him, warning him that he may have gone too far.
Along the rest of the Asgadians, she died when the Children of Tomorrow attacked Asgard. Her ghost, as well as the ones of the other Asgardians, can only be seen by Thor, who being the last Asgardian survivor, became Vahalla.
Powers and Abilities
Amora appears to have similar powers to her 616 counterpart, though she is capable of manipulating women just as easily as she does men.
Links and References
- 6 Appearances of Amora (Earth-1610)
- Minor Appearances of Amora (Earth-1610)
- Media Amora (Earth-1610) was Mentioned in
- Images featuring Amora (Earth-1610)
- Quotations by or about Amora (Earth-1610)
- Character Gallery: Amora (Earth-1610)
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