Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Appearing in 1st story

Reprint of the story from
Avengers #3
  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for 1st story

Reprint of the story from
Avengers #3
  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "Crack in the Armor!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:



Synopsis for "Crack in the Armor!"

After sparring to test out their newest forms, Iron Man and Giant-Man ride back to the mansion in Tony Stark's limo while they discuss the mounting pressure driving them to re-invent themselves. Pym reveals that he knows Stark's secret identity, which Iron Man denies. When he's alone, Tony reveals the key to how he's been dealing with the pressure they discussed: alcohol.

Solicit Synopsis

Hulk versus Avengers! For the very first time from Avengers #3! Plus, an all new Avengers tale - Iron Man unveils his awesome red and gold armor!


See Also

Links and References

