Toodle-oo Mr. Burland! ... Never trust a woman!
- -- Barbara Sutton (after kissing Kip on the lips and stating she knows his dual identity) src[[Category: Barbara Sutton (after kissing Kip on the lips and stating she knows his dual identity)/Quotes]]
Barbara Sutton was a high-society girl, who later found a job as a news photographer for the Northville Courier, so she could cover stories and help the Black Hood as his confidant. She was quickly promoted to a news reporter. After she confessed to Kip, that she knew his secret identity, they became an "official" couple.[1] Later, when he retired as the Black Hood, he opened his own detective agency and she become his secretary.
Powers and Abilities
Archeology: prior to her father's death, he was murdered on an expedition in South America, she accompanied him on several "jungle adventures," thus gaining extensive knowledge of ancient cultures of "Lost Cities."
Mrs. Sutton knows how to really swing a handbag and has knocked out several assailants this way. On occasion, she has used a handgun: once to shoot a gorilla and another to shoot the lock off a caged Black Hood.
Links and References
- 28 Appearances of Barbara Sutton (Earth-MLJ)
- Minor Appearances of Barbara Sutton (Earth-MLJ)
- Media Barbara Sutton (Earth-MLJ) was Mentioned in
- Images featuring Barbara Sutton (Earth-MLJ)
- Quotations by or about Barbara Sutton (Earth-MLJ)
- Character Gallery: Barbara Sutton (Earth-MLJ)
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