This page may contain some of the same content as the DC Database article. A more complete and current article is at the DC Comics Database Bizarro (Injustice). |
Bizarro was a flawed clone of Superman secretly created by Lex Luthor that escaped during the fifth year of the Regime.
Only remembering where he was made, Bizarro flew to Germany where he met a tailor who believed the monster was the original Superman. The tailor made "Superman" a new costume, which the monster put on inside out, believing the "S" on his chest to be backwards in the mirror.
Bizarro attempted to understand who he was, having no understanding of human customs, and, after killing two of the Rogues in a fight, befriended the Trickster, who taught Bizarro what it meant to be a hero. Bizarro later accidentally killed Trickster by dropping him while flying to cover his own mouth when he sneezed and, as a result, flew off the handle trying to find anyone to "fix" him.
Bizarro was eventually killed by Doomsday, mindcontrolled for the Regime by Lex Luthor, after Luthor tried to dispose of the evidence that he was involved in Bizarro's conception.[1]
Powers and Abilities
- Bizarro Physiology: Bizarro is a clone of Superman and shares similar abilities.[2]
- Flight: Bizarro has the ability to fly.[2] He could fly from Marocco to California in seconds.[3]
- Super-Breath: Bizarro can expel great quantities of air from his lungs.[4]
- Heat Vision: Bizarro can project blasts of concentrated heat from his eyes capable of burning people to ashes.[4]
- Invulnerability: Bizarro is extremely resistant to all forms of damage and is completely fireproof.[4] He has taken blows from the likes of Superman and Solomon Grundy with minimal damage. He can resist a temperature of 25.000 degrees Fahraneheit with no damage and during his fight with Doomsday he took multiple blows from the alien blows and kept fighting before the alien brute broke his neck.[5]
- Superhuman Speed:: Bizarro can move faster than the fittest human athlete and when doing so he appears only as a blur.[3]
- Superhuman Strength: Just like Superman Bizarro has incredible levels of physical strength. He can easily lift cars, contend with Solomon Grundy in a physical confrontation and break through Yellow Lantern's constructs.[3] He has also showed enough power to get the upper hand in a fight against Doomsday before Superman intervened.[5]
- Multilingualism: Bizarro can speak a broken form of English and can understand German.[6]
- Natural Lower Intellect: Bizarro speaks in broken English and has little intelligence. He is also prone to violent tantrums and quite gullible.[3]
- Vulnerability to Blue Kryptonite
- This version of the character is exclusive to the continuity of the video game Injustice: Gods Among Us and its tie-in comic book series. It is an adaptation of Bizarro. The original character was created by Otto Binder and George Papp and first appeared in Superboy #68.
- Bizarro was voiced by Patrick Seitz in Injustice 2.
Links and References
- 2 Appearances of Bizarro (Injustice)
- Minor Appearances of Bizarro (Injustice)
- Media Bizarro (Injustice) was Mentioned in
- Images featuring Bizarro (Injustice)
- Quotations by or about Bizarro (Injustice)
- Character Gallery: Bizarro (Injustice)
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