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This page may contain some of the same content as the DC Database article. A more complete and current article is at the DC Comics Database Black Zero (New Earth).
The complete list of authors can be seen in that articles page history. We wish to thank all awesome contributors at the DC Database who have worked so hard to bring us this information..

The third Black Zero was an alternate version of Superboy from a Hypertime stream in which Superman had not returned to life and his clone had been left to mature fully, developing his full Kryptonian powers in addition to his tactile telekinesis.[1] As a result, he had become Superman II. However, he believed he was resented for not being the original Superman. When his inexperience led to a battle in which many heroes and civilians were killed, a public backlash began against cloning. After Guardian was killed by a mob, Superman II decided the anti-clone lobby had to be stopped by any means necessary. Since he believed he was fighting for clone rights, he took the name Black Zero.

Turning Project Cadmus into a fortress, and leading an army of Guardian clones, Black Zero began a war in which most of Earth's heroes were destroyed, and then recreated by Cadmus' mad scientist Dabney Donovan as soldiers for the Project. After conquering his Earth, he was contacted by Metron of the New Gods, who offered him the chance to enter Hypertime and "rescue" other worlds in which clones were being oppressed. To his bafflement, the Superboys of these worlds often stood against him, leading him to store them in stasis chambers similar to the Clone Banks of Krypton. He was eventually defeated by a combined effort from all his other selves, led by the Superboy of the main continuity.


Tactile Telekinesis: A form-fitting telekinetic field that enables him to fly and deflect solid objects the instant they touch him, he can also extend the field to lift heavy objects, take things apart, and bend things into any shape he can picture mentally.

Pseudo-Kryptonian Powers: As a fully matured clone, Black Zero possesses powers, Superboy has yet to manifest, including the ability to project heat from his eyes ("heat vision") and ultra-acute hearing.

Strength level

Black Zero's tactile telekinesis approximates Superman-level strength.


Like a true Kryptonian, Black Zero is vulnerable to Kryptonite radiation.

  • Since it was later discovered that Superboy was a hybrid human/kryptonian it is possible that as an alternate reality counter-part of Superboy, Black Zero was as well.
  • 4 Appearances of Black Zero (New Earth)
  • Minor Appearances of Black Zero (New Earth)
  • Media Black Zero (New Earth) was Mentioned in
  • Images featuring Black Zero (New Earth)
  • Quotations by or about Black Zero (New Earth)
  • Character Gallery: Black Zero (New Earth)


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