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Quote1 All right, Deadman! I know you're here...! Listen! I'll take your case...I'll help you find your killer! Quote2
-- Batman

Appearing in "The Track of the Hook"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Carleton "Kubla" Kaine (Only appearance; dies)[1]
  • Max Chill (Only appearance; dies)[1]

Other Characters:

  • Whitey Marsh (Only appearance; dies)[1]
  • Edward T. Weeks (Single appearance)[1]
  • Bill Rawls (Single appearance)[1]
  • Willie "Stoolie" Pigeon (Single appearance)[1]
  • Rama Kushna (Appears in flashback and main story)




  • None

Synopsis for "The Track of the Hook"

While aiding Commissioner Gordon in solving the murder of small time crook Whitey Marsh, Batman learns that the killer was wearing a hook. Deadman, having come to Gotham City to seek Batman's aid in finding his killer, believes the villain responsible, the Hook is in Gotham after overhearing the eye witness account of Marsh's murder.

Aiding Batman the two learn that the killer was not the man who Deadman is looking for, but a thug working for Kubla Kaine, a wealthy business man who is running for mayor and is secretly running a crime syndicate out of Gotham City.

Batman and Deadman find the killer, who dies in combat, and they expose Kaine's involvement in the criminal underworld ruining his bid for mayor.


See Also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 First and only known appearance to date besides flashbacks

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