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Appearing in "Fathers and Sons part 1: Sunset Breaks"

Featured Characters:

  • Previous Appearance of Cable Cable Next Appearance of Cable (possessed by Stryfe)

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Fathers and Sons part 1: Sunset Breaks"

In a secret base, the android Zero asks Tolliver why he abandoned his mission for the New Canaanites and became an arms dealer. Tolliver answers that he wanted revenge on those who ruined his life and shows Zero an image of Stryfe torturing and brainwashing him. Next, he conjures an image of Cable who sacrificed him to save Dawnsilk—Tolliver is Cable’s son Tyler Dayspring. When Zero asks Tyler about his plans, he says others will get revenge for him and reveals he met with Mr. Sinister. In Salem Center, New York, Domino meets Cable at Madelyne Pryor’s grave. Convinced he is Stryfe’s clone and that Stryfe was Nathan Summers, Cable tells Domino about Sinsear, Tolliver, and why they came from the future. Just then, Mr. Sinister appears, reveals Tolliver is Tyler, and introduces himself. Near Xavier’s School, an Askani agent materializes and verifies Professor X, Cyclops, and Jean Grey are there. She recalls being sent back in time to protect them by the Askani order’s founder, Mother Askani. Back at the cemetery, Domino pulls a gun, but Sinister blasts it out of her hand. He relates how he created Madelyne Pryor and engineered Nathan Summers’s birth, intending Nathan to be a mutant savior. Cable mentions Nathan becoming Stryfe, but Sinister claims Stryfe was just a side effect of his plan. Irritated, Sinister shoves Cable to the ground, tells him Pryor was his mother, and cryptically advises him to accept his destiny. Sinister then teleports away, hitting Cable with a psionic blast that enables Stryfe to possess him. Stryfe telepathically knocks out Domino and walks away. At Xavier’s School, Tyler and Zero intercept the Askani agent and capture her. Before they teleport away with her, she telepathically warns Jean. Terrified, Jean calls out to Cyclops and tells him Stryfe has returned.


  • This issue is reprinted in:
    • Cable Classic vol. 2 trade paperback (2009);
    • Deadpool and X-Force Omnibus hardcover (2017);
    • X-Men: The Wedding of Cyclops and Phoenix hardcover (2018).


  • Madelyne Pryor was a clone of Jean Grey, and her origin was explored in X-Factor #38.
  • Before this story, Stryfe was last seen vanishing into a time vortex with Cable in X-Force #18.

See Also


Try Your Luck

