AC Comics Titles
Comic Titles
- Magic Agent
- Midnight Mystery
- Moon Mullins (1947)
- My Romantic Adventures (1956)
Archie Comics Titles
- Madhouse (1974)
- Mad House Annual 1970
- Mad House Ma-ad Annual 1969
- Madhouse Comics Digest 1975
- Madhouse Glads
- Madhouse Ma-ad Freakout
- Madhouse Ma-ad Jokes
- Mantech Robot Warriors
- Mega Man
- Mega Man (TPB)
- Mighty Archie Art Players, FCBD Edition
- Mighty Comics 1966
- Mighty Crusaders 1965
- Mighty Crusaders 1983
- Mighty Crusaders (TPB) (2003)
- Mighty Crusaders: Origin of a Super-Team
- Mighty Mutanimals (1991)
- Mighty Mutanimals (1992)
- More Seymour
- Mighty Mutanimals [Invasion from Space] (1991)
Comic Titles
- Mad Dog Magazine
- Man of Rust
- Midnite
- Mr. Cream Puff
Comic Titles
- Mankind
- Monster Matinee
- Mummy: Valley of the Gods
Comic Titles
- Macross
- Mage: The Hero Discovered
- Magebook
- Maze Agency (1988)
- Monolith (1991)
- Morningstar Special
Comic Titles
- M-G-M's Lassie ( 1950 )
- M.G.M's Spike and Tyke ( 1959 )
- M.G.M's The Mouse Musketeers ( 1957 )
- M.G.M.'s Tom & Jerry's Winter Fun ( 1954 )
- Magic Morro ( 1941 )
- Mammoth Comics ( 1938 )
- Man from Wells Fargo ( 1962 )
- Man the Beast and the Wild, Wild Women ( 1953 )
- Marge's Little Lulu ( 1948 )
- Marge's Little Lulu and Alvin Storytelling Time ( 1959 )
- Marge's Little Lulu and Her Friends ( 1956 )
- Marge's Little Lulu and Her Special Friends ( 1955 )
- Marge's Little Lulu and Tubby Annual ( 1953 )
- Marge's Little Lulu and Tubby at Summer Camp ( 1957 )
- Marge's Little Lulu On Vacation ( 1954 )
- Marge's Lulu and Tubby Halloween Fun ( 1957 )
- Marge's Lulu and Tubby In Alaska ( 1959 )
- Marge's Lulu and Tubby in Japan ( 1962 )
- Marge's Tubby ( 1953 )
- Marge's Tubby and His Clubhouse Pals ( 1956 )
- Margie ( 1962 )
- The Masked Pilot ( 1939 )
- Maverick ( 1959 )
- Maya ( 1967 )
- McHale's Navy ( 1963 )
- McKeever and the Colonel ( 1963 )
- Melvin Monster ( 1965 )
- A Merry Christmas ( 1948 )
- Mickey and Goofy in Bicep Bungle ( 1962 )
- Mickey Mouse ( 1952 )
- Mickey Mouse Album ( 1962 )
- Mickey Mouse Almanac ( 1957 )
- Mickey Mouse Birthday Party ( 1953 )
- Mickey Mouse Club Parade ( 1955 )
- Mickey Mouse in Fantasyland ( 1957 )
- Mickey Mouse in Frontierland ( 1956 )
- Mickey Mouse Summer Fun ( 1958 )
- The Mighty Heroes ( 1967 )
- Mighty Mouse ( 1966 )
- Mike Shayne Private Eye ( 1962 )
- Millie the Lovable Monster ( 1962 )
- Miss Peach ( 1963 )
- Mission: Impossible ( 1967 )
- Mister Magoo ( 1963 )
- Mister Magoo and Gerald McBoing Boing ( 1953 )
- Mod Squad ( 1969 )
- Momma ( 1972 )
- The Monkees ( 1967 )
- The Monroes ( 1967 )
- Moses and the Ten Commandments ( 1957 )
- Mother Goose & Grimm ( 1986 )
- Movie Classic ( 1961 )
- Mutt and Jeff ( 1958 )
Comic Titles
- Mickey and Goofy Explore Business ( 1978 )
- Mickey Mouse Adventures ( 1990 )
- Mickey Mouse and Goofy Explore Energy ( 1976 )
- Mickey Mouse and Goofy Explore Energy Conservation (1978)
- Mickey Mouse and Goofy Explore The Universe of Energy (1985)
Comic Titles
- M.D. (1999)
- Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas (2004)
Comic Titles
- Magdalena/Vampirella (2003)
- Magdalena/Vampirella (2004)
- Mystery Walk: Vengeance of Vampirella
Comic Titles
- Marc Spector: Moon Knight (1989–1994)
- Margie Comics (1946–1949, Atlas Comics)
- Marines in Action (1955–1956, Atlas Comics)
- Marines in Battle (1955–1956, Atlas Comics)
- Mark Hazzard: Merc (1986–1987, New Universe)
- Marshal Law (1987)
- Marvel 1602 (2003–2004)
- Marvel 1985 (2008)
- Marvel Adventures Featuring Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four (2005)
- Marvel Adventures: Iron Man
- Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man (2005-current)
- Marvel Adventures: The Avengers
- Marvel Age (1983–1994)
- Marvel Age: Spider-Man (2004–2005)
- Marvel Apes (2008)
- Marvel Assistant-Sized Spectacular (2009)
- Marvel Atlas (2008)
- Marvel Boy Vol 1 (1950–1951, Atlas Comics)
- Marvel Boy Vol 2 (2000)
- Marvel Boy: The Uranian (2010)
- Marvel Chillers (1975–1976)
- Marvel Classics Comics (1976–1978)
- Marvel Collector's Edition: X-Men (1993, Pizza Hut Promo)
- Marvel Collectors' Item Classics (1965–1969)
- Marvel Comics (1939, Timely Comics)
- Marvel Comics 70th Anniversary Edition (2009)
- Marvel Comics Illustrated (1982, Marvel Illustrated)
- Marvel Comics Presents Vol 1 (1988–1995)
- Marvel Comics Presents Vol 2 (2007–2008)
- Marvel Comics Super Special Vol 1 (1977–1986)
- Marvel Divas (2009)
- Marvel Double Feature (1973–1977)
- Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 (1982–1992)
- Marvel Fanfare Vol 2 (1996–1997)
- Marvel Feature Vol 1 (1971–1973)
- Marvel Feature Vol 2 (1975–1976)
- Marvel Graphic Novel (1982–1990)
- Marvel Heartbreakers (2010)
- Marvel Holiday Special (1991-current)
- Marvel Illustrated
- Marvel Knights, Vol. 1 (2000–2001, Marvel Knights)
- Marvel Knights, Vol. 2 (2002, Marvel Knights)
- Marvel Knights: 4 (2004–2006, Marvel Knights)
- Marvel Knights: Double Shot (2002, Marvel Knights)
- Marvel Knights: Spider-Man (2004–2006, Marvel Knights)
- Marvel Legacy (2006–2007)
- Marvel: Lost Generation (2000)
- Marvel Masterworks (1987–present)
- Marvel Magic Handbook (2007)
- Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone (2006)
- Marvel Movie Spotlight Featuring Raiders of the Lost Ark (1982)
- Marvel Mystery Comics (1939–1949, Timely Comics)
- Marvel Mystery Comics 70th Anniversary Special (2009)
- Marvel Mystery Handbook: 70th Anniversary Special (2009)
- Marvel Nemesis: The Imperfects (2005)
- Marvel No-Prize Book (1983)
- Marvel Pets Handbook (2009)
- Marvel Premiere (1972–1981)
- Marvel Presents (1975–1977)
- Marvel Preview (1975–1980)
- Marvel Previews (2003)
- Marvel Saga Vol 1 (1985)
- Marvel Spotlight Vol 1 (1971–1977)
- Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 (1979–1981)
- Marvel Super Action Vol 1 (1976)
- Marvel Super Action Vol 2 (1977–1981)
- Marvel Super-Heroes Vol 1 (1966–1982)
- Marvel Super-Heroes Vol 2 (1990–1993)
- Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game Vol 1 (1999)
- Marvel Super-Heroes: Contest of the Champions(1982)
- Marvel Super-Heroes Megazine (1994)
- Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars (1984–1985)
- Marvel Swimsuit Special(1991–1995)
- Marvel Tales, Vol 1 (1949–1957, Atlas Comics)
- Marvel Tales, Vol 2 (1964–1994)
- Marvel Tails, Vol 1 (1983)
- Marvel Tarot, Vol 1 (2007)
- Marvel Team-Up, Vol 1 (1972–1985)
- Marvel Team-Up, Vol 2 (1997–1998)
- Marvel Team-Up, Vol 3 (2004–2006)
- Marvel Treasury Edition (1974–1981)
- Marvel Triple Action (1972–1979)
- Marvel Two-In-One (1974–1983)
- Marvel Universe (1998)
- Marvel Vision (1996–1998)
- Marvel Westerns: Outlaw Files (2006)
- Marvel: Your Universe Saga (2008)
- Marvel Zombies (2006-current)
- Marvelman Family's Finest (2010)
- Marvels (1994)
- Marvels Project (2009–2010)
- Marvel's Greatest Comics (1969–1981)
- Marville (2002)
- Micronauts (All titles)
- Midnight Men (1993, Epic)
- Midnight Sons Unlimited (1993–1995)
- Mighty Avengers (2007-current)
- Mighty Avengers: Most Wanted Files (2007)
- Mighty Heroes (1998, Paramount Comics)
- Mighty Marvel Western (1968–1976)
- Mighty Mouse (1946–1947, Timely Comics)
- Mighty World of Marvel, Vol 2 (1982–1984)
- Mighty World of Marvel, Vol 3 (2003)
- Millar & McNiven's Nemesis (2010-current, Icon)
- Miss America Comics (1944)
- Miss America Magazine (1944–1953, Atlas Comics)
- Miss America Comics 70th Anniversary Special (2009)
- Miss Fury (1942)
- Mitzi Comics (1948, Atlas Comics)
- Mitzi's Boyfriend (1948–1949, Atlas Comics)
- Mitzi's Romances (1949, Atlas Comics)
- Mutant X (1998–2001)
- Mutatis (1992, Epic)
- Muties (2002)
- Mutopia X (2005–2006)
- My Diary (1949–1950, Atlas Comics)
- My Friend Irma (1950–1955, Atlas Comics)
- My Girl Pearl (1955–1961, Atlas Comics)
- My Love (1949–1950, Atlas Comics)
- My Love (1969–1976)
- My Love Story (1956–1957, Gem Publications)
- Mys-Tech Wars (1993, Marvel UK)
- Mystery Tales (1952–1957, Atlas Comics)
- Mystic (1951–1957, Atlas Comics)
- Mystic Arcana (All titles)
- Mystic Comics (All titles)
- Mystical Tales (1956–1957, Atlas Comics)
- Mystique (All Titles)
- Mythos (2006-current)
Comic Titles
- My Brothers' Keeper (1974)
Comic Titles
- Meet Miss Pepper ( 1954 )
- Midget Comics ( 1950 )
- Mighty Mouse ( 1947 )
- Mighty Mouse Adventure Stories ( 1953 )
- Mighty Mouse Adventures ( 1951 )
- Moon Mullins ( 1949 )
- Mopsy ( 1948 )
Comic Titles
- The Marriage of Hercules and Xena (1998)
- Mars Attacks (1994)
- Mars Attacks (1995)
- Mars Attacks Baseball Special (1996)
- Mars Attacks Graphic Album (1994)
- Mars Attacks High School (1997)
- Mars Attacks The Savage Dragon (1996)
- Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994)
Comic Titles
- M.A.R.S. Patrol Total War ( 1966 )
- Magilla Gorilla ( 1964 )
- Magilla Gorilla Kite Fun Book ( 1964 )
- Magnus, Robot Fighter ( 1963 )
- The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (1965 )
- March of Comics ( 1946 )
- Marge's Little Lulu ( 1962 )
- Marge's Little Lulu Summer Camp ( 1967 )
- Marge's Little Lulu Trick 'N' Treat ( 1962 )
- Marge's Tubby and the Little Men from Mars ( 1964 )
- Masters of the Universe ( 1982 )
- Maya ( 1968 )
- McCrory's Christmas Book ( 1955 )
- McLintock ( 1964 )
- Mickey Mouse ( 1962 )
- Mickey Mouse Album ( 1963 )
- Mickey Mouse Album [Dynabrite Comics] ( 1979 )
- Mickey Mouse and His Sky Adventure [Dynabrite Comics] ( 1978 )
- Mickey Mouse and the Beanstalk [Dynabrite Comics] ( 1978 )
- Mickey Mouse Club ( 1964 )
- Mickey Mouse Magazine ( 1935 )
- Mickey Mouse Surprise Party ( 1969 )
- Mickey Mouse Surprise Party ( 1979 )
- Mickey Mouse The Super Sword ( 1984 )
- Mickey's Dog Pluto All Picture Comics [Tall Comic Book] ( 1943 )
- Microbots ( 1971 )
- The Mighty Atom ( 1976 )
- The Mighty Atom Starring Reddy Kilowatt ( 1959 )
- Mighty Hercules ( 1963 )
- Mighty Mouse ( 1964 )
- Mighty Samson (1964-1982)
- Milton the Monster & Fearless Fly ( 1966 )
- Mister Ed, the Talking Horse ( 1962 )
- Moby Duck ( 1967 )
- Mod Love ( 1967 )
- Mod Wheels ( 1971 )
- The Modniks ( 1967 )
- Mr. and Mrs. ( 1922 )
- Mr. and Mrs. J. Evil Scientist ( 1963 )
- The Munsters ( 1965 )
- Mushmouse and Punkin Puss ( 1965 )
- Mutiny on The Bounty ( 1963 )
- Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom ( 1965 )
- My Dog Tige by Buster Brown ( 1957 )
- My Favorite Martian ( 1964 )
- Mystery Comics Digest ( 1972 )
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