If you find an issue in the database that is not shown here, please edit that issue adding "Cory Petit" as one of the letterers.
See Also: A gallery of comics lettered by Cory Petit.
All items (2367)
- Spider-Man Unlimited Vol 2 ½
- Agent X Vol 1 5
- Agent X Vol 1 6
- Agent X Vol 1 7
- Alias Vol 1 17
- Daredevil Vol 2 42
- Agent X Vol 1 8
- Alias Vol 1 18
- Daredevil Vol 2 43
- Daredevil Vol 2 44
- Agent X Vol 1 9
- Alias Vol 1 19
- Captain Marvel Vol 5 7
- Daredevil Vol 2 45
- Marvel Universe: The End Vol 1 1
- Marvel Universe: The End Vol 1 2
- Sentinel Vol 1 1
- Agent X Vol 1 10
- Alias Vol 1 20
- Captain Marvel Vol 5 8
- Daredevil Vol 2 46
- Human Torch Vol 2 1
- Marvel Universe: The End Vol 1 3
- Sentinel Vol 1 2
- Agent X Vol 1 11
- Alias Vol 1 21
- Alias Vol 1 22
- Captain Marvel Vol 5 9
- Captain Marvel Vol 5 10
- Daredevil Vol 2 47
- Human Torch Vol 2 2
- Ultimate Adventures Vol 1 5
- Wolverine: Snikt! Vol 1 1
- Sentinel Vol 1 3
- X-Men: Phoenix - Legacy of Fire Vol 1 2
- Agent X Vol 1 12
- Alias Vol 1 23
- Captain Marvel Vol 5 11
- Daredevil Vol 2 48
- Emma Frost Vol 1 1
- Human Torch Vol 2 3
- Kingpin Vol 1 1
- New Mutants Vol 2 2
- Punisher Vol 5 28
- Spider-Man and Wolverine Vol 1 1
- Wolverine: Snikt! Vol 1 2
- Sentinel Vol 1 4
- X-Men: Phoenix - Legacy of Fire Vol 1 3
- Alias Vol 1 24
- Captain Marvel Vol 5 12
- Daredevil Vol 2 49
- Emma Frost Vol 1 2
- Human Torch Vol 2 4
- Incredible Hulk Vol 2 57
- Incredible Hulk Vol 2 58
- Punisher Vol 5 29
- Spider-Man and Wolverine Vol 1 2
- Wolverine: Snikt! Vol 1 3
- Alias Vol 1 25
- Captain Marvel Vol 5 13
- Captain Marvel Vol 5 14
- Daredevil Vol 2 50
- Emma Frost Vol 1 3
- Human Torch Vol 2 5
- Incredible Hulk Vol 2 59
- Punisher Vol 5 30
- Sentinel Vol 1 5
- Spider-Man and Wolverine Vol 1 3
- Wolverine: Snikt! Vol 1 4
- X-Statix Vol 1 13
- Sentinel Vol 1 6
- Agent X Vol 1 13
- Alias Vol 1 26
- Captain Marvel Vol 5 15
- Daredevil Vol 2 51
- Daredevil Vol 2 52
- Human Torch Vol 2 6
- Incredible Hulk Vol 2 60
- Incredible Hulk Vol 2 61
- Punisher Vol 5 31
- Punisher Vol 5 32
- Spider-Man and Wolverine Vol 1 4
- Wolverine: Snikt! Vol 1 5
- X-Statix Vol 1 14
- Sentinel Vol 1 7
- Sentinel Vol 1 8
- Agent X Vol 1 14
- Agent X Vol 1 15
- Alias Vol 1 27
- Daredevil Vol 2 53
- Emma Frost Vol 1 4
- Incredible Hulk Vol 2 62
- Punisher Vol 5 33
- Punisher Vol 5 34
- Venom Vol 1 7
- X-Statix Vol 1 15
- Sentinel Vol 1 9
- Spider-Girl Vol 1 66
- Alias Vol 1 28
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 501
- Captain Marvel Vol 5 16
- Daredevil Vol 2 54
- Emma Frost Vol 1 5
- Incredible Hulk Vol 2 63
- Punisher Vol 5 35
- Punisher Vol 5 36
- The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 2 7
- Spider-Man 2: The Movie Vol 1 1
- Spider-Man Doctor Octopus Out of Reach Vol 1 1
- Venom Vol 1 8
- X-Statix Vol 1 16
- Sentinel Vol 1 10
- Captain Marvel Vol 5 17
- Daredevil Vol 2 55
- Emma Frost Vol 1 6
- Punisher Vol 5 37
- The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 2 8
- Spider-Man Doctor Octopus Out of Reach Vol 1 2
- Venom Vol 1 9
- X-Statix Vol 1 17
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 503
- Captain Marvel Vol 5 18
- Captain Marvel Vol 5 19
- Daredevil Vol 2 56
- Emma Frost Vol 1 7
- Sentinel Vol 1 11
- The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 2 9
- Spider-Man Doctor Octopus Out of Reach Vol 1 3
- Venom Vol 1 10
- X-Statix Vol 1 18
- Sentinel Vol 1 12
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 504
- Captain Marvel Vol 5 20
- Daredevil Vol 2 57
- Emma Frost Vol 1 8
- The Pulse Vol 1 1
- Secret War Vol 1 1
- The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 2 10
- Spider-Man Doctor Octopus Out of Reach Vol 1 4
- Venom Vol 1 11
- X-Statix Vol 1 19
- X-Treme X-Men Vol 1 41
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 505
- Cable & Deadpool Vol 1 1
- Captain Marvel Vol 5 21
- Daredevil Vol 2 58
- Emma Frost Vol 1 9
- The Pulse Vol 1 2
- The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 2 11
- The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 2 12
- Spider-Man Doctor Octopus Out of Reach Vol 1 5
- Venom Vol 1 12
- X-Statix Vol 1 20
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 506
- Cable & Deadpool Vol 1 2
- Captain Marvel Vol 5 22
- Daredevil Vol 2 59
- Emma Frost Vol 1 10
- Marvel Knights: Spider-Man Vol 1 1
- The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 2 13
- Venom Vol 1 13
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 507
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 508
- Cable & Deadpool Vol 1 3
- Captain Marvel Vol 5 23
- Daredevil Vol 2 60
- Emma Frost Vol 1 11
- Iron Man Vol 3 82
- Marvel Knights: Spider-Man Vol 1 2
- The Pulse Vol 1 3
- Secret War Vol 1 2
- The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 2 14
- Venom Vol 1 14
- Venom Vol 1 15
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 509
- Captain Marvel Vol 5 24
- Daredevil Vol 2 61
- Emma Frost Vol 1 12
- Marvel Knights: Spider-Man Vol 1 3
- The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 2 15
- The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 2 16
- Venom Vol 1 16
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 510
- Cable & Deadpool Vol 1 5
- Captain Marvel Vol 5 25
- Daredevil Vol 2 62
- Emma Frost Vol 1 13
- Loki Vol 1 1
- Loki Vol 1 2
- Marvel Knights: Spider-Man Vol 1 4
- The Pulse Vol 1 4
- The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 2 17
- Starjammers Vol 2 1