Appearing in "Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part 2"
Featured Characters:
- Felicity Smoak (Earth-1) (Narrator)
- Nyssa al Ghul (Earth-1) (Also in a vision)
- The Ray/Ray Terrill (Earth-1) (Also in a vision)
Supporting Characters:
- The Atom/Ray Palmer (Earth-1) (Also in a vision)
- The Flash/Barry Allen (Earth-1) (Also in a vision)
- Green Lantern Corps (Earth-12) (First appearance chronologically)
- Kilowog (First appearance chronologically)
- Sinestro (First appearance chronologically)
- Tomar-Re (First appearance chronologically)
- Guardians of the Universe (Earth-12) (First appearance chronologically)
- Ganthet (Single appearance)[1]
- Harbinger/Lyla Michaels (Earth-1) (Also in a vision)
- The Monitor (Mar Novu) (Also in a vision)
- Mia Queen (Earth-1) (Also in a vision)
- Green Arrow/The Spectre/Oliver Queen (Earth-1) (Vision)
- Paragons (Multiverse) (First appearance chronologically) (Vision)
- Batwoman/Kate Kane (Earth-1) (Also in a vision)
- Supergirl/Kara Danvers (Earth-38) (Vision)
- White Canary/Sara Lance (Earth-1) (Also in a vision)
- Phantom Stranger (Earth-85) (First appearance)
- Anti-Monitor (Antimatter Universe) (Also in a vision)
Other Characters:
- Black Lightning (Unknown Earth) (Vision) (Cameo)
- Earth-85 characters (Unnamed) (Cameo)
- Alex Luthor (Single appearance)[1]
- Firestorm (Single appearance)[1]
- Captain Marvel (Single appearance)[1]
- Harbinger (Single appearance)[1]
- Kid Flash (Single appearance)[1]
- Martian Manhunter (Single appearance)[1]
- Pariah (Kell Mossa) (Single appearance)[1]
- Power Girl (Single appearance)[1]
- The Ray (Single appearance)[1]
- Superboy-Prime (Single appearance)[1]
- Superman (Kal-El) (Single appearance)[1]
- Superman (Kal-L) (Single appearance)[1]
- Wonder Woman (Single appearance)[1]
- Elongated Man/Ralph Dibny (Earth-1) (Vision) (Cameo)
- Kid Flash/Wally West (Earth-1) (Vision) (Cameo)
- Lex Luthor (Earth-38) (Vision) (Cameo)
- Manhunters (Earth-12) (First appearance chronologically) (Cameo)
- Mia Smoak (Star City 2040) (Also in a vision) (Cameo)
- Pariah/Harrison Nash Wells (Unknown Earth) (Also in a vision)
- Superman (Earth-38) (Vision) (Cameo)
- God (Mentioned)
- Kryptonians (Mentioned)
- Superman (Earth-96) (Mentioned)
- Multiverse (Also in a vision)
- Astral Plane Real name revealed
- The Monitor's Satellite
- Orrery of Worlds (Unnamed)
- Earth-1 (Also in a vision)
- United States of America
- Earth-12 Real name revealed (First appearance chronologically)
- Earth-85 (Single appearance)[1]
- Earth-Prime (First appearance chronologically) (Vision)
- Earth-74 (Mentioned)
- Earth-1 (Also in a vision)
- Timestream
- The Anti-Monitor's Suit
- A.T.O.M. Exosuit
- Batsuit
- Earth-12's Book of Oa (Single appearance)[1]
- Central Power Battery of Oa (First appearance chronologically)
- Containment Chamber (Destroyed in this issue)
- Firestorm Matrix
- Green Lantern Ring
- Interdimensional Extrapolator
- Lazarus Pit (Mentioned)
- Lex Luthor's Warsuit (Vision)
- Manhunter Armor (Cameo)
- The Monitor's Suit
- Nyssa al Ghul's Bow
- Trick Arrows (Cameo)
Synopsis for "Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part 2"
Felicity Smoak states that she believes 76.6 universes have been destroyed by the Anti-Monitor till now and they must stop him. Meanwhile at the Monitor's Satellite, Outkast states that he's an antimatter bomb that can destroy their whole universe and Felicity suggests they escape before he explodes. Harbinger teleports all the heroes back to the Waverider in time, leaving Felicity desperate for a way to find the Paragons. She storms off to find a way on her own and Flash tells White Canary to let her be. Later as she tries finding the Paragons through her computer, the Ray and Nyssa al Ghul arrive at her place and state they're all worried for her. Felicity states that she's searching for a way to find the heroes who can recreate the Multiverse, but this leaves Ray confused as she's merely using a human-invented computer.
Felicity states that she's hacking the Monitor's computer and has discovered the vibrational frequency of the universe that contain a Book of Oa, which has information about everything in the Multiverse, and opens a portal. Nyssa tells Ray that they need to accompany her, since she acts on her emotions without thinking and the two follow her into the portal. The group lands on Earth-85 and finds the Anti-Monitor battling the heroes from various realities instead. As the three are unable to figure out a way to beat him, the Phantom Stranger appears and informs there is no one who can. Stranger admits he can send them to Oa where they'll find the Book of Oa, but wars it will drive any human mad. As Felicity angrily yells it's her problem and she needs it to revive her husband.
Stranger agrees to transport Felicity's team to to Oa, stating that though it won't lead to Oliver Queen coming back to life, they need to find who the Paragons are. The three find themselves transported to Earth-12 and the Guardians of the Universe inform that they already know why she's here, but reject letting her read the Book of Oa. Felicity insists that they let her in order to save the multiverse, but they reject her again, stating it will drive her mad. Ganthet arrives while they are conversing and suggests letting her read it, but Ray soon alerts everyone about the Shadow Demons coming their way. Felicity guesses Anti-Monitor dispatched then and she is close to discovering a way to stop him as Ray flies away with her.
Nyssa is forced to fight the Shadow Demons herself and questions the Guardians for not assisting her, getting told in return that they have called in the Green Lantern Corps to fight them. Ray meanwhile gets hit by one of the demons, but Ganthet arrives in time to protect Felicity and takes her to the Book of Oa. The Lanterns, Nyssa and Ray meanwhile are forced to fight thousands of demons, but Kilowog remains determined to destroy them. Ganthet shows the book to Felicity and warns her to be on her guard against it. As she opens the book, she starts getting dragged in and sees her whole life as well as the future, including a grown up Mia. The only person she doesn't see is Oliver, but she soon starts getting visions of him too and tries to unsuccessfully reach out to him before he's gone.
As she starts seeing everything throughout time which wants to make her a part of it and offers her to be with Oliver again, Ganthet tells Felicity to not get fooled by its machinations. As she gets dragged further into the time stream, he tells her to resist its temptation and she is able to break out after heeding his words. Ganthet then informs her that all the Shadow Demons have been beaten and forces her to have a medical examination in the Waverider, which Ray and Nyssa insisted upon to ensure she hasn't been changed by the Book of Oa. She then meets up with Barry and tells him to revive Oliver with a Lazarus Pit, since he has a role to fulfil in the current crisis, but doesn't tell him how she knows it stating she fears it may never come to pass if she did.
Later while walking inside the Waverider, Felicity feels conflicted about hiding the truth from Barry and spots her grown-up daughter, forcing her to hide so the future is not altered. She then calls upon the Monitor and tells him she could only learn about some of of the Paragons from the Book of Oa, not all of them. Supergirl is the paragon of hope and White Canary the paragon of destiny, but she only has hints regarding two others. The Paragon of Courage is the so-called "bat of the future" and that of truth is a Kryptonian who's suffered a loss far more than any human can take. Sometime later at Hopeport, Felicity cradles her infant daughter and tells her that Oliver became the Spectre to save the Multiverse.
Appearing in "Infinite Luthor, Part 2"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Council of Supermen (Multiverse) Real name revealed (First full appearance)
- Beppo the Super-Monkey (Unknown Earth) (Unnamed) (First full appearance)
- Bizarro Superman (Unknown Earth) (Unnamed)
- Black-suited Superman (Unknown Earth) (Unnamed) (First full appearance)
- Khalex Superman (Unknown Earth) (Unnamed) (First full appearance)
- Lord Superman (Unknown Earth) (Single appearance)[1] (Unnamed) (Cameo)
- President Superman (Unknown Earth) (Single appearance)[1] (Unnamed) (Cameo)
- Red-Ant Superman (Unknown Earth) (Unnamed) (Cameo)
- Superboy (Unknown Earth) (Single appearance)[1] (Unnamed)
- Super-Lion (Unknown Earth) (Single appearance)[1] (Unnamed) (Cameo)
- Superman (Adventures of Superman)
- Superman (Earth-38) (Joins Team)
- Superman (Earth-96)
- Superman Blue (Unknown Earth) (Single appearance)[1] (Unnamed)
- Superwoman (Unknown Earth) (Unnamed) (Cameo)
- Two-Ton Superman (Unknown Earth) (Single appearance)[1] (Unnamed)
- Ultra Superman (Unknown Earth) (Unnamed) (First full appearance)
- Council of Luthors (Multiverse) Disbands
- Alex Luthor (Unknown Earth) (Unnamed)
- Alexandra Luthor (Unknown Earth) (Unnamed)
- Alexei Luthor (Unknown Earth) (Unnamed)
- Lex Luthor (Donnerverse)
- Lex Luthor (Earth-96)
- Lex Luthor (Earth-1938) Revealed to be alive
- Lex Luthor (Super Friends)
- Lex Luthor II (Unknown Earth) (Unnamed)
Other Characters:
- Harbinger/Lyla Michaels (Earth-1) (Cameo)
- Jonathan Kent II (Earth-38) (Mentioned)
- Multiverse
- Bottled City of Kandor (Cameo)
- Green Kryptonite (Mentioned)
- Lex Luthor's Warsuit
- Earth-74's Waverider (Cameo)
- The Crisis
- Destruction of Earth-38 (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "Infinite Luthor, Part 2"
The Council of Supermen tell the Superman of Earth-38 that a great crisis is happening, but he states he already knows and Luthors from various universes have formed a collective, something he been informed about by the Luthor of his universe The other Supermen don't trust what Luthor said, but Superman states that he could tell he wasn't lying from his heartbeat. Meanwhile on Earth-99, the Council of Luthors charges Lex with treason for informing his reality's Superman, which has led to other Supermen have collected against them. Lex however states that they've actually come together because of the Anti-Monitor destroying various universes, which is also the reason his reality's Superman was experiencing delusions of Earth-38.
Lex is imprisoned and left alone in a force field, but later pulls out his false tooth which would help him in getting out. Meanwhile, the Supermen inform the Superman of Earth-38 that he's not in his home reality, but on Earth-86, and they've discovered that a council of Luthors has indeed gathered on Earth-99. The Luthor of Earth-1938 praises another for his design on their warsuit and informs that it's currently in mass-production. They however soon find that the Supermen have arrived at their hideout in order to catch them by surprise. Superman of Earth-38 breaks out his reality's Luthor, though he states he could break out himself, and learns that the other Luthors are mass-producing warsuits in order to be able to kill all the Supermen.
The Luthors soon arrive wearing their warsuits and Lex of Earth-1938 tells the other to attack the Supermen with Kryptonite blasters. Superman of Earth-38 lands his reality's Lex on safe ground and tells him to find a way to disable the blasters. As he starts hacking into the facility's computer systems, Lex states that he could let his doppelgängers kill his enemy, but only he gets to kill him or any other Superman in existence. As he succeeds, he informs Superman and states he did it despite liking the idea of him being killed by them, but gets told in return the Supermen don't really need his help.
The other Luthors teleport away from Earth-99 after the tower enabling their Kryptonite blasters is destroyed and Lex tells Superman he can thank him by not imprisoning him on the Waverider again. He however soon finds himself back on the ship and gets the idea of killing the Supermen of all realities while playing chess with Harbinger.
Appearing in "A Flash of the Lightning!"
- Appearances not yet listed
Synopsis for "A Flash of the Lightning!"
This story is reprinted from Crisis on Infinite Earths #8.
Appearing in "Aftershock"
- Appearances not yet listed
Synopsis for "Aftershock"
This story is reprinted from Crisis on Infinite Earths #11.
Appearing in "Aftermath!"
- Appearances not yet listed
Synopsis for "Aftermath!"
This story is reprinted from DC Universe Legacies #6.
- The "Crisis on Infinite Earths" and "Infinite Luthors" stories lead into the events of "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Two".
- In the notes from the collected edition, Marc Guggenheim and Marv Wolfman reveal many details behind the Crisis crossover:
- According to Marv Wolfman, all the heroes from the battle at Dawn of Time on Earth-85 hail from different realities and banded together to fight the Anti-Monitor on this universe;
- The Monitor's shadow room from the Elseworlds crossover is revealed to be the Astral Plane.
- "Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part 2" and "Infinite Luthor, Part 2" are reprinted in Crisis on Infinite Earths: Paragons Rising – The Deluxe Edition .
See Also
Links and References
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