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Appearing in "The Tin Men of War part 1"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Perry Bluestone (First appearance)
  • C.C. (First appearance)
  • Francesca Taylor (First appearance) (Appears in flashback and main story)
  • Emp (Cameo)




Synopsis for "The Tin Men of War part 1"

In a New York back alley, teenage mutant Carin Taylor, a.k.a. Velocity, runs from a squad of Cybernetic Operatives for Protection and Security (C.O.P.S.) sent by the Cyberdata corporation.  Cyberforce member Ripclaw watches from a rooftop, decides to intervene, and calls his teammate Heatwave for back-up.  In Manhattan, their colleagues Stryker, Cyblade, and Impact foil an assassination attempt on mutant mayoral candidate Perry Bluestone.  Ripclaw defends Velocity from the C.O.P.S. and their leader, Ballistic, until Heatwave arrives to drive them away with his energy blasts.  Elsewhere, mutant leader Mother-May-I is meeting with Cyberdata security chief Saburo Kimata when CEO Emil Zadrok calls and orders him to retrieve Velocity.  Carin awakens from a nightmare about her abusive childhood and finds herself in a Cyberforce base.  She is greeted by engineer Chip McNally and his android boy, Timmie, who show her around.  Suddenly, the alarm sounds due to a perimeter breach.  The room explodes, and Ballistic enters with her strike team of Special Hazardous Operations Cyborgs (S.H.O.C.s).


  • Cyberforce #0, published in September 1993, takes place before this story.
  • This issue is reprinted in the Cyberforce: The Tin Men of War trade paperback, published in 1993.


  • The drunk that Velocity runs past in the alley is Emp of the WildC.A.T.s. The aftermath of this scene is shown from his perspective in WildC.A.T.s #1.

See Also

Links and References

