Appearing in "Duet"
Featured Characters:
- Cybernary (Origin revealed) (Flashback and main story)
Supporting Characters:
- Yumiko Gamorra (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
- Miranda (First appearance)
- Techno-Dwarves
- Dr. Guggen
- Bigelow
- Monsieur Henri
- Mister Delacorte
- Mister Chang
- Dr. Vandalia
Other Characters:
- Deathblow (Cameo) (Only in flashback)
- Lowboys
- Wildstorm Universe
- Gamorra (Flashback and main story)
Synopsis for "Duet"
Gamorra Industries Senior Vice-President Chang visits the cemetery where Katrina escaped from Hunter-Killers and finds Guggen and his scavenger Lowboys feasting on the remains of the H-Ks. Guggen tells Chang that the Techno-Dwarves likely have her. At the Dwarves’ request, machine psychologist Miranda comes to their underground lab and convinces Katrina to explain who and what she is. Katrina relates how cyberneticist Thorbert Vandalia spent months transforming her into a cyborg, specifically a next generation Hunter-Killer with the form of a nympho-droid, as a personal gift to Kaizen Gamorra. She also remembers Chang, angered by Vandalia’s expenses, recruiting Kaizen’s daughter Yumiko to confront Vandalia. After Chang left, Vandalia ambushed Yumiko and downloaded her personality to a device which he then implanted in Katrina’s brain. As a result, Katrina now has Yumiko’s memories. Once Vandalia fully activated her, Katrina attacked him and fled, using Deathblow’s attack on the compound as cover to escape. At last convinced she is human, the Techno-Dwarves decide to help her.
- This issue also includes:
- a recap of the Cybernary back-up stories from Deathblow #1-4 by editor Tom Harrington;
- a three-page, annotated map of Gamorra by Harrington and artist Jeff Rebner;
- a pin-up of Cybernary by Rebner and Tom McWeeney.
- Dedicated to Nick Manabat.