Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Appearing in "Loop State"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Cisco (In a photograph only)
  • Theroux




Synopsis for "Loop State"

Katrina leaps onto the helicopter and forces it to crash into a second armed helicopter, destroying them both.  She lands on the street below and stops Wernick from fleeing with the HK microchips. Terrified, he reveals Gamorran police have been following him.  Miranda meets up with them, and Katrina tells Wernick that Jumper may help him escape the island.  Above, Minotaur, Borgia, and Gila continue scanning for Katrina’s neural signature. Katrina delivers the chips to Jumper, and he shows her a photograph of Cisco, cybernetically grafted to a boar by Vandalia and sold to Minotaur.  Katrina is so enraged she has a seizure.  While MacGregor revives her, Minotaur dispatches Borgia to find and capture her. Katrina, Miranda, and Wernick have stepped onto the street when Borgia catches up to them.  Borgia shoots off Miranda’s legs, but Katrina fights back and beats Borgia to a pulp, demanding to know where Minotaur is holding Cisco.


  • This issue includes a five-page tribute to original Cybernary artist Nick Manabat who died of lymphatic cancer in 1995. It consists of sketches of the series cast by Manabat, a short biography by his father Alex Manabat, and additional comments by Kathy Manabat and artist Rich Johnson.
  • This issue also includes a pin-up of Cybernary by Jeff Rebner and Jonathan Holdredge.

See Also

Links and References

