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Appearing in "Blood and Silicon"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Bunny (First appearance)
  • Guggen
  • Andreas




Synopsis for "Blood and Silicon"

Minotaur negotiates with Kaizen Gamorra for a higher payment for capturing Katrina. While Borgia studies her and realizes she contains the personality of someone from Clan Gamorra, Kaizen decides to refuse Minotaur’s offer and sends Vandalia, newly upgraded into a cybernetic tank, to retrieve Katrina.  At an underground club, Miranda tries to convince Gamorran resistance leader Bunny to rescue Katrina while Guggen rebuilds her cybernetic legs.  Vandalia leads an attack on Minotaur’s island, easily overcoming Gila and the island guards.  Katrina awakens and overcomes Borgia as Minotaur flees.  Bunny, Miranda, and a group of resistance fighters land on the island as Vandalia finds Katrina, outraged by what Minotaur’s technicians have done to her.  He regards her as his masterpiece and claims to love her, but Katrina angrily attacks him for reneging on their original deal by turning Cisco into a cyborg.  She then kills Vandalia by bashing his skull with the head of a stone statue.  Afterward, she meets up with Miranda and leaves the island with the resistance, vowing to topple Gamorra’s depraved society.


See Also

Links and References

