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Appearing in "Aruba"
Featured Characters:
- The Legends (Doomworld) (Erased)
- The Atom (Ray Palmer) (Death) The Atom (First appearance as The Atom)
- Jefferson Jackson (Death)
- Mick Rory (Death)
- Nate Heywood (Death)
- Rip Hunter (Death)
- Sara Lance (Erased)
- The Legends (Earth-1)
Supporting Characters:
- Gideon
- Gideon (Doomworld) (Erased)
- Laurel Lance (Hallucination)
- Legion of Doom Disbands
Other Characters:
- Black Flash (Hunter Zolomon) (Unnamed)
- Dinosaurs (Cameo)
- Jesus Christ (Corpse)
- J.R.R. Tolkien
- Amaya Jiwe (Doomworld) (deceased) (Mentioned)
- Eobard Thawne (Post-Flashpoint) Past (Mentioned)
- Ghosts (Mentioned)
- League of Assassins (Mentioned)
- Martin Stein (Doomworld) (Erased) (Mentioned)
- President Reagan (Mentioned)
- Doomworld (Erased)
- United States of America
- Central City
- S.T.A.R. Labs
- The Cortex
- S.T.A.R. Labs
- Central City
- United States of America
- Earth-1
- 1916
- 1987
- United States of America
- Miami (Cameo)
- United States of America
- 2014
- United States of America
- Central City (Cameo)
- United States of America
- 2017
- United States of America
- Central City
- Los Angeles (Cameo)
- Big Ben Time displaced
- Star City (Hallucination)
- Aruba (Mentioned)
- United States of America
- 1942
- Zambesi (Mentioned)
- 1984 (Mentioned)
- Galapagos Islands (Mentioned)
- 2008
- Lian Yu (Mentioned)
- 2016 (Mentioned)
- United States of America
- Star City (Mentioned)
- United States of America
- Negative Speed Force (Unnamed) (Behind the scenes)
- Speed Force (Behind the scenes)
- Temporal Zone
- Hell (Mentioned)
- Anansi Totem
- A.T.O.M. Exosuit
- Blood of Christ (Destroyed in this issue)
- Captain Cold's Cold Gun
- Eobard Thawne's appearance-stealing device (Mentioned)
- Firestorm Matrix
- Kalabros Manuscript (Mentioned)
- Memory Flasher
- Spear of Destiny (Erased)
- Earth-1's Waverider
- Jump Ship (Mentioned)
- Doomworld's Waverider (Erased)
- Queen's Gambit (Mentioned)
- Magic
- Metahumans
- Time Travel
- Aberrations
- Time Quake
- Time Storm (First appearance)
- World War I
Synopsis for "Aruba"
- Synopsis not yet written.
- No trivia.
See Also
- Images from DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV Series) Episode: Aruba
- Episodes of DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV Series)
- Images from DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV Series)
- Gallery for the DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV Series) series
Recommended Media
- None.
Links and References
- None.
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