Daemonites are a reptilian alien race from the planet Daemon, who are capable of possessing host bodies. Millennia ago, the Daemonites discovered interstellar travel and started to conquer the universe. Their ability to possess other species gave them a distinct advantage over most species, allowing infiltration and survival in almost any environment. Their rise to power was unopposed until they encountered the Kherubim. The Kherubim were a noble race of nearly immortal warriors. Despite the Daemonites ability to possess the Kherubim, the Kherubim's technology allowed them to detect possessed individuals. The war raged for millennia.
A Daemonite vessel fought a Kherubim vessel near Earth, thousands of years ago. Both spaceships were damaged and crash landed on Earth. The Daemonites decided to conquer this world and use its population as host bodies, while the Kherubim wanted to defend humanity. The Daemonite-Kherubim War inspired many tales of gods, demons, angels and monsters. Most of the Daemonites organized themselves as The Cabal and focused on the goal of Daemonite Reunification: a return to Daemon. They were opposed by multiple heroes, such as Axel Brass and his team and much later, the WildC.A.T.s.
In space, the battle between Daemon and Khera was decided. The Kherubim won and imposed heavy war reparations on Daemon. Daemonite society went bankrupt while trying to pay and many Daemonites migrated to prosperous Khera, but once there they were confined to ghettos.
When the Daemonites on Earth found out, many of them ceased their quest for Reunification. Some settled down, others became mercenaries and others again, like Lord Helspont, now focused on increasing their own power and wealth.
Recently, the Daemonite Lord Helspont found a Kheran World Shaper Engine on Earth and looked into its databanks. There he discovered that the Kherans were like cuckoos, sending Shaper Engines across the universe to land on planets and turn them into ideal habitats for Kherubim. He also discovered that one such engine had landed on Daemon and had formed the Daemonites from the local population as a servitor race. The Daemonites rebelled and destroyed their 'Kheran' lords.
In the wake of World's End, the Daemonites had taken advantage of post-Armageddon Earth in which the Daemonite High Council planned on invading the planet. However, Daemonite High Lord Defile stands against this as he claimed Earth as his rightful domain in which he prepared to sought a strategy against this invasion; in which he acknowledged that it would be more devastating than any other alien invasions that the planet has ever endured.
The New 52[]
The DC Universe heavily changed its continuity into the DCnU following the events of Flashpoint in 2011. This was part of an effort to make storylines more accessible to newer readers, beginning with the New 52. This new timeline combines elements from the DCU, Vertigo Universe and Wildstorm Universe while drastically changing the origins and histories of characters. |
Powers and Abilities
Type of Government
Level of Technology
Daemonites prefer to use their own natural abilities in battle, but their technology is very advanced. They have spaceships capable of interstellar flight. Nanotechnology allows them to create highly advanced weaponry in a short period of time. Mister Majestic discovered a Daemonite-built portal into the Bleed, allowing them to enter alternate dimensions.
Daemonites on Earth often wear special stealth-suits, hiding them from most forms of detection. Others wear flash-suits, which are armoured and possess built-in weaponry.
In the New 52 reboot, Daemonite technology used by Helspont is advanced enough to build him an entire fortress base with vast amounts of advanced technology behind it; chief among them are Biotechnological Droids, which are a fusion of science and mysticism, and sport enhanced Kyrptonian-level strength and invulnerability, plus the capacity for long range teleportation.Cultural Traits
Little is known about Daemonite culture. The Daemonites on Earth are ruled by three Lords, but they are all ex-military and most of them are fanatics, so they could simply be following the chain of command. Most Daemonites on Earth are aggressive and completely devoted to the cause of Reunification. On Khera, the WildC.A.T.s encountered Daemonite civilians whose behavior was very much like human behavior. The Daemonites on Khera seemed to have a more tribal structure, but this could be a result of being confined to low-tech ghettos. After encountering peaceful Daemonites on Khera, the WildC.A.T.s have encountered several peaceful Daemonites on Earth as well.
The Daemonites on Khera showed WildC.A.Ts-member Voodoo, part Daemonite herself, rituals where Daemonites possessed other Daemonites. This ritual transferred memories, emotions and knowledge between Daemonites and forged a strong bond between Daemonites.