Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Appearing in "The Clutch of the Devil Fish"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Clutch of the Devil Fish"

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Appearing in "Flames of Hate"

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Synopsis for "Flames of Hate"

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Appearing in "The Living-Dead"

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Synopsis for "The Living-Dead"

The son of a Nazi scientist finds a house in the woods where his father's victims lie in wait as zombies, the result of an experiment that drained their blood and replaced it with experimental serum. His father has also injected him with the serum and so the zombies desire his blood which will allow them to finally die. He begs them to spare him because he had nothing to do with the experiment but they do not.

Appearing in "Mountain Madness"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Mountain Madness"

  • Synopsis not yet written.

See Also


Try Your Luck

