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Appearing in 1st story

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Faisal (possessed by Raphael)
  • Raphael (possesses Faisal)
  • Bob (Only appearance; dies)[1]
  • Joey (First appearance)
  • Malik (First appearance)
  • Ted (Only appearance; dies)[1]




Synopsis for 1st story

Deathblow’s associate Rayna Masters traced the key from the monk’s book to a Philadelphia hotel whose owners are affiliated with the Order of the Cross.  As Cray drives to Philadelphia, the Black Angel arrives at the Philadelphia airport with his henchmen, and Herod is already at the hotel with a team of mercenaries.  The miracle child is staying there, and they have orders to abduct him.  In New York, Dr. Anderson informs D’Angelo that Dr. Markus treated Cray as part of an IO experiment 20 years ago.  Realizing Herod is a covert operative, she hacks into IO’s network, traces Cray’s movements, and deduces that either he or Trickle is Herod.  At the hotel in Philadelphia, Abbot O’Conner contacts Sister Mary and tells her to move Christopher, the miracle child, to a nearby abbey.  Herod’s men kill an Order bodyguard, but Deathblow arrives and shoots them.  Sister Mary attacks him as he enters the child’s room, but Christopher talks her down. Cray explains that he has terminal cancer and needs to drink from the Holy Grail, which the Order possesses, to be cured. He recognizes Christopher as the miracle child and offers to help protect him; Mary reluctantly agrees.  As they leave the hotel, Herod blows up Cray’s car and reveals himself as Trickle.  They flee into the subway with Herod’s men in pursuit.  Cray covers Mary and Christopher as they board a train. Soon, the Black Angel arrives with his minions but is headed off by the Islamic operative Faisal.  Under fire from Herod’s men, Deathblow jumps on the end of the train.  One gunshot wounded a young boy inside, and Cray watches as Christopher heals him. Mary says if the Angel gets to Christopher, the world will plunge into darkness.


  • This issue includes a pin-up of Deathblow by Tim Sale.
  • The Deathblow story is reprinted in:
    • Deathblow: Sinners and Saints trade paperback (1999);
    • Deathblow Deluxe Edition hardcover (2014).

See Also

Links and References


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 First and only known appearance to date besides flashbacks