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Appearing in "The Souls of Cyber-Folk part 2: Impending Doom"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Mechadoom (First appearance)
  • Doombots
  • Capturebots (Only in flashback)

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Souls of Cyber-Folk part 2: Impending Doom"

Deathlok recalls meeting Misty Knight and finding the other cyborgs captive as Dr. Doom attacks.  Doom seals them inside a translucent capsule and fills it with lethal gas, but Deathlok shatters it.  Misty shoots Doom, and he retaliates by severing her cybernetic arm with an energy blast. Deathlok tackles him, and they exchange blows to no effect.  Misty shoots Doom again, and he blasts her through the floor onto a catwalk below, knocking her out.  Deathlok tackles Doom again, falling onto the catwalk, and sees that the base is an assembly plant for Doombots, Doom’s android duplicates.  He scans “Dr. Doom” and discovers his opponent, too, is just a Doombot.  Freed from concern over killing someone, Deathlok shoots the ersatz Doom to pieces, collects its remains, and leaves with the unconscious Misty.  He takes her to Four Freedoms Plaza where Mr. Fantastic of the Fantastic Four repairs and upgrades her cybernetic arm.  He also analyzes the remains of the fake Doom and concludes its technology is far more advanced than the real Doom’s capabilities.  Due to a dangerous experiment, Mr. Fantastic cannot leave the Plaza, and he wants to wait until the FF return to investigate the Doombot facility.  Out of concern for the captured cyborgs, Deathlok refuses to wait and returns on his own.  When he tries to free the cyborgs, a paralyzing energy beam strikes him in the back. His attacker, a levitating mass of energy and robotic parts, introduces itself as Mechadoom.


  • This issue is reprinted in the Deathlok: The Souls of Cyber-Folk trade paperback published in 2015.

See Also


Try Your Luck

