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This page may contain some of the same content as the Marvel Database article. A more complete and current article is at the Marvel Comics Database Deviant Skrulls.
The complete list of authors can be seen in that articles page history. We wish to thank all awesome contributors at the Marvel Database who have worked so hard to bring us this information..

This page is about the Skrulls as a species. For the Skrulls as a group, please refer to the Skrull Empire page.
Race Template

Deviant Skrulls
Harvey2 Name
Deviant Skrulls[1][2][3]
Harvey2 Aliases
Pure-Skrulls,[4] Skrull Deviants,[5] Skrullian Deviants,[5] Skrullkind,[6] Chitauri[7] (on Earth-20604, offensive term),[8][9] Changing People,[10]
Harvey2 Identity
Harvey2 Affiliation
Harvey2 Universe
Harvey2 Base Of Operations
Tarnax II; multiple locations in the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way; formerly Tarnax IV, Skrullos
Harvey2 Body Type
Harvey2 Average Height
5'5" (Around the same as humans).
Harvey2 Average Weight
Same as humans
Harvey2 Eyes
Harvey2 Hair
Harvey2 Skin
Harvey2 Number of Limbs
Harvey2 Number of Fingers
Harvey2 Number of Toes
Harvey2 Special Adaptations
Pointed ears, corrugated chins, green skin. Most males are bald and have no facial hair. Females have full head of hair. Most Skrulls are physically malleable, able to alter their shape size, and/or colour at will.
Harvey2 Origin
Alien; Deviant branch of the Skrulls of Skrullos
Harvey2 Star System Of Origin
Harvey2 Home Planet
Harvey2 Place of Birth
Harvey2 Creators


This is an abridged version of Deviant Skrulls' history. For a complete history see Deviant Skrulls' Expanded History

The ancestors of the Skrulls were allegedly created by the Xorrians (along with all humanoid life-forms, such as Kree and Humans) from their own DNA.[11][1] These Skrull ancestors resided on Skrullos, a planet in the Drox system. The Skrulls were once a peaceful race, until the Celestials arrived at Skrullos over a 100 million years ago. The Celestials went on to split the Skrulls into three races: the baseline Skrulls, with no special abilities but the potential to evolve, the Deviant Skrulls, with shapeshifting abilities, and the Eternal Skrulls, who were given longevity and super powers. Almost immediately, this led to war, in which the Deviant Skrulls exterminated the other two races.[12]

Thus all modern Skrulls are descendants of the Deviant branch. The Skrulls later split again, giving rise to the Dire Wraiths, a parasitic race that could still shape-shift and had use of magic, but were not as technologically advanced as the Skrulls. Dire Wraith's are analogous to the Skrulls as vampires are to humans.[12] At some point, the Skrulls became genetically frozen in place, unable to evolve further, as punishment for a single Skrull abusing the power of the Crystal of Ultimate Vision, located within the Citadel of Light and Shadow.[13] It no longer appears to be the case as an increasing number of Skrulls are born as mutants, possessing the K-gene which gives them mutations and/or superhumans powers resulting in Skrull Mutants.[14]

During the reign of Dorrek, 10s of millions of years ago, the empire reached neighboring galaxies becoming an intergalactic empire.[15] Skrull science is generally at a higher level than the science of human civilization, having achieved a high level of science before life emerged on Earth at least 2.5 billion years ago.[16] Skrull science created the first Cosmic Cube thousands of years ago, though it ended disastrously for the Skrull Empire. As upon becoming sentient the cube destroyed two-thirds of the inhabited worlds in the Andromeda galaxy, thereby plunging the Skrull Empire into a dark age of barbarism.[17][16] The Skrulls were ruled by an Emperor or Empress, who had absolute power.[5]



The Skrulls are oviparous.[2] Skrull females do not give live birth; instead, they lay eggs like their reptilian evolutionary ancestors. Skrull children are known as "hatchlings". Despite their reptilian evolutionary roots, however, Skrulls have hair and the females have mammary glands and nurse their young.[5]


Skrulls are capable of producing hybrid offspring with humans and Kree.[2]

On Earth-9997, it was revealed that Thanos was a hybrid of an Eternal and a Skrull, as his mother Sui-San was in fact a Skrull.[18]

A conclave called the Knights of Infinity are a nomadic band of Kree/Skrull hybrids who were gathered and created by the first of their kind; Dorrek Supreme, who is the heir to the throne of a Kree/Skrull alliance.[19]

Diseases and Genetic Conditions

Shape-Shifting Deficiency

An uncommon birth defect in Skrulls is being born without the ability to shape-shift. Skrulls afflicted with this abnormality include Raze,[20][21] Titannus,[22] and Talos the Tamed.[23][24] This genetic defect can also grant upper strength and endurance to some of those afflicted, including Talos the Tamed.[24]


Skrulls are susceptible to various forms of cancer. The Super-Skrull contracted leukemia due to prolonged exposure to the radiation in the Van Allen Belts.[25] The Skrull prince Klundirk was also diagnosed with an unknown form of cancer.[26]


On Earth-829, Skyppi contracted a form of tuberculosis common to the Skrull species.[27]

Evolution and Mutation

The Skrulls are evolutionarily stagnant. They can not evolve naturally and can only move forward genetically through artificial means.[28]

Despite this, mutants (a.k.a K-class deviants) have been observed, particularly on Carpiax-IV, where Lord Merek's fecundity-supplement program resulted a higher number of K-class births. It was common to cull Skrull mutants in the interest of genetic purity. One group of Skrull mutants, Cadre K, was rescued and trained by Professor X.[29]

Alternate Realities

Main article: Deviant Skrulls/Alternate Universe Skrulls

The Skrulls are present in many realities, with more or less important variations in their history, appearances, and biology.

Powers and Abilities


Deviant Skrulls from Young Avengers Vol 1 11 001

Skrulls using their shape-shifting to fly

  • Shapeshifting: Skrulls are able to alter their forms into that of anything they can imagine, be it organic or inorganic. It must, however, be solid. They can also use their abilities to grow extra limbs. They have no apparent size limit, as they are been seen to assume the form of a common housefly[30], and shapes many times larger than their normal selves. Skrulls can also use their shape-shifting capabilities to change their sex: males can become females and vice versa.[31]
    • Elasticity, Plasticity, Elongation: Their shape-shifting abilities allow them to alter their bodies in much the same way as Mr. Fantastic, so that they can stretch to great lengths, or form other shapes with their bodies, such as balls, parachutes, or anything else.
      • Flight: They are able to fly by shape-shifting a pair of wings onto their back, or turning their arms into wings.[32]
    • Size Alteration: They are also capable of altering their size independently of altering their form, allowing them to grow or shrink while maintaining their current form.
    • Mimicry: Skrulls are cunning spies due to their ability to mimic sounds and voices. This is mainly used in conjunction with the shapes they shift into.
  • Telepathy: Within the Deviant Skrulls there are a minority that possess telepathic abilities. They have been seen to serve the empire in the imperial court as "Priest of the Mind" and in the armed forces.[33][34][35]


Weapon Formation: Skrulls are able to use their shapeshifting abilities to form weapons with parts of their bodies. For instance, they can shape their arms into blades or clubs including guns. This ability makes them dangerous hand-to-hand combatants.

Average Strength level



Shapeshifting Limitations: Skrulls can only take on the appearance of person and none of that person’s characteristics or, in the case of superhumans, their powers.[36] When they imitate an inorganic object, they take on its appearance, but not its properties. The inability to replicate powers does not apply to genetically modified Super-Skrulls.[37]

There is a limit to the size of the object or person a Skrull can imitate. The average Skrull cannot distend his or her mass any more than 1.5 times as large a volume as his or her original volume, nor can he or she contract his or her mass any more than 0.75 a volume as his or her original.[5]

Very high decibel sounds have been shown capable of temporarily disabling a Skrull, and in the case of a Super-Skrull, will cause them to lose control of their powers.[38]

At the moment of death, Skrulls revert to their original form.[39]


Habitat: Habitat of this race is unknown.
Gravity: Earth-like
Atmosphere: Earth-like
Population: Trillions (spread throughout the intergalactic Skrull empire)[2]



Type of Government: Totalitarian monarchy under a single Emperor or Empress (succession disrupted by destruction of Tarnax IV, death of surviving royal family members, and ensuring civil wars, reinstated with the crowning of the new Emperor, Kl'rt I). Assisting the Emperor are ministers and councils.[1][45][46]. The empire itself is administrated by prelates and governors.[47][48] Throughout the Skrull empire, in every world that is ruled by the Skrulls only one race is permitted to represent the inhabitants of that world, the Skrulls.[49] Worlds that voluntarily joined the Skrull Empire are granted varying degrees of autonomy. It also maintains profitable trading relationships with pacifist worlds that the empire has peace treaties with.[17]
Level of Technology: Superior to Earth; Advanced warp-drive star-ships,[50] intergalactic subspace FTL (nearly instantaneous),[50] teleportation,[51] force fields,[52][53] cloaking technology,[54][53] miniaturization technology,[55] shape-shifting technology,[56] robots,[56] mecha (humanoid and multi-legged),[57][58] cybernetic technology,[59] planet busting weapons,[60][61] star killer weapons,[62] genocidal biological weapons,[53] intergalactic FTL subspace communications (nearly instantaneous),[63] intergalactic radar,[64] hyperspace radios,[65] intergalactic sensor grid,[66] intergalactic transportation beam,[67] missiles,[61] space torpedoes,[68] genetic manipulation/engineering (Super-Skrulls), quantum weapons,[43] interdimensional portals,[69], cloning,[70] and directed energy weaponry (either beam or pulse weapons and either particle, neutrino or photon weapons).[71][72][73]
Cultural Traits: Warrior Race. The entire Skrull economy is built around its military pushing their tendency to instigate wars and campaigns of conquest.[74] Universal conquest is their goal, to bring peace to the cosmos therefore they must conquer and subjugate every inhabited world in the cosmos.[68][46] Despite this many Skrulls live peaceful lives.[75] Many of them truly believe in their gods and have immense love for their families. Professor X could sense the goodness and nobility of the teeming mass of billions of Skrulls on Tarnax IV.[76] They are a species, that enjoys art and beauty, in which even it's warriors enjoy listening to the intricate social calls and mournful mating calls of wildlife.[77] Skrulls have a code of honor, though not all follow said code. Warriors have been known to meet enemies in equal numbers (e.g. one on one or a squad vs a team).[78][79] Respecting and honoring enemies of great valor and skill.[64][45] They are also known to repay their debts.[80] It is also a race which is known for being vengeful.[65]



  • The Skrulls are somewhat associated with the Chitauri.
  • The native language of the Skrulls is called Skrullos[31]


  • The adjective form is both "Skrull"Empty citation (help)  and "skrullian".[84]
  • The Deviant branch of their species;[5] it is kind of ironic that they considered Dire Wraiths as a "Deviant branch of Skrullkind",[6] and the Mutant Skrulls "Deviants".[14][85]

Recommended Readings

See Also

Links and References

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Skrulls! #1
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Marvel Fact Files #2
  3. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update #2; Dire Wraiths' entry
  4. Uncanny X-Men #376, opposed to Mutant Skrulls
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 #12; Skrulls entry
  6. 6.0 6.1 Rom #50
  7. Ultimate Secrets #1
  8. Ultimate Fantastic Four #27
  9. Ultimate Fantastic Four #28
  10. Incredible Hercules #120
  11. Thor #215
  12. 12.0 12.1 Silver Surfer Vol 3 #5
  13. Uncanny X-Men Annual #1987
  14. 14.0 14.1 Uncanny X-Men #376
  15. Avengers #133
  16. 16.0 16.1 Captain America Annual #7
  17. 17.0 17.1 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 #12
  18. Universe X #X
  19. New Avengers Vol 4 #4
  20. Silver Surfer Vol 3 #89
  21. Skrulls! #1; Raze's entry
  22. Marvel Team-Up Vol 3 #12
  23. Incredible Hulk #419
  24. 24.0 24.1 Skrulls! #1; Talos the Tamed's entry
  25. Alpha Flight #10
  26. Spider-Woman Vol 6 #3-4
  27. Hercules: Twilight of a God #1
  28. Skrulls! #1; Citadel of Light and Shadow's entry
  29. Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet #1
  30. Fantastic Four: Unplugged #4
  31. 31.0 31.1 Runaways Vol 2 #8
  32. Young Avengers #11
  33. Fantastic Four #348-349
  34. New Avengers #44
  35. Secret Invasion: X-Men #4
  36. Fantastic Four #2
  37. New Avengers #40
  38. Runaways Vol 2 #18
  39. Mighty Avengers #16
  40. Annihilation: Super-Skrull #1
  41. Infinity: Against the Tide: Infinite Comic #2
  42. Fantastic Four #257
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 Fantastic Four #383
  44. Annihilation: Super-Skrull #3
  45. 45.0 45.1 Marvel Graphic Novel #1
  46. 46.0 46.1 Fantastic Four #358
  47. Fantastic Four #262
  48. Avengers #259
  49. Silver Surfer Vol 3 #13
  50. 50.0 50.1 Avengers #94
  51. Force Works #13
  52. Iron Man: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. #35
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 Venom: First Host #3
  54. Secret Invasion 6
  55. Fantastic Four #90
  56. 56.0 56.1 Fantastic Four #204
  57. X-Men Vol 3 #29
  58. Captain Britain and MI-13 #3
  59. Fantastic Four #18
  60. Black Panther Vol 4 #34
  61. 61.0 61.1 Runaways Vol 3 #12
  62. Avengers Vol 4 #18
  63. Avengers #258
  64. 64.0 64.1 Captain Marvel #2
  65. 65.0 65.1 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #40
  66. 66.0 66.1 Avengers Annual #14
  67. Fantastic Four #32
  68. 68.0 68.1 Fantastic Four #206
  69. Captain Britain and MI-13 #2
  70. Deadpool Vol 2 #2-3
  71. Silver Surfer Vol 3 #6
  72. Avengers #96
  73. Secret Invasion: X-Men 1-Secret Invasion: X-Men 1
  74. Fantastic Four The Universal Guide
  75. Starbrand & Nightmask #6
  76. X-Men Vol 2 #90
  77. Venom: First Host #4
  78. Uncanny X-Men #478
  79. Captain Britain and MI-13 #1
  80. Fantastic Four #37
  81. Avengers #133-134
  82. Silver Surfer Vol 3 #25
  83. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
  84. Skrulls! #1; Flaw's entry
  85. A + X #16