Hey Kids Comics Wiki

This page may contain some of the same content as the Marvel Database article. A more complete and current article is at the Marvel Comics Database Devin Touhy (Earth-616).
The complete list of authors can be seen in that articles page history. We wish to thank all awesome contributors at the Marvel Database who have worked so hard to bring us this information..

A normal human teenager, Devin Touhy was a high school soccer player. He was kidnapped by The Superior and exposed to Hawking radiation to generate superhuman abilities. He was also subject to a set of 'narrative implants' the caused false memories as part of the Superior's plan to create the Bastards of Evil.

Five months later, Devin reappeared, under the name Singularity, claiming to be the son of Graviton. As a member of the Bastards of Evil group, he espoused a doctrine of destroying the hypocritical modern society for no better reason than because they could. In particular, "Singularity" now views terrorism as a chance to prove himself worthy to his "father". Singularity sees himself as superior to those around him, thinking himself to be more sophisticated. He enjoys mocking his teammates' sensitive areas, such as mocking his teammate Ember, a racist who believed he was the son of the mutant Pyro.

During a battle with the Young Allies, Singularity got blasted by his own teammate Aftershock. The blast caused his memories to be restored. Angered by the manipulation of the Superior, Devin tried to help the Young Allies defeat him. However, the Superior turned his full focus on Devin, seemingly ripping him in half with his telekinesis. Devin is presumed dead.


Singularity had powers similar to Graviton, allowing him to manipulate gravity. He was able to throw Arana from Manhattan to the Statue of Liberty on Ellis Island, and proved himself evenly matched with Gravity in a direct confrontation.

Singularity enjoys a fine wine.

  • 5 Appearances of Devin Touhy (Earth-616)
  • Minor Appearances of Devin Touhy (Earth-616)
  • Media Devin Touhy (Earth-616) was Mentioned in
  • Images featuring Devin Touhy (Earth-616)
  • Quotations by or about Devin Touhy (Earth-616)
  • Character Gallery: Devin Touhy (Earth-616)


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