Hey Kids Comics Wiki

This page may contain some of the same content as the Marvel Database article. A more complete and current article is at the Marvel Comics Database Edwin Mosley (Earth-93060).
The complete list of authors can be seen in that articles page history. We wish to thank all awesome contributors at the Marvel Database who have worked so hard to bring us this information..

History of character is unknown.


Wings growing out of his back allow Edwin Mosley to fly at great speeds. The have a wingspan of twenty feet. Mosley's sight is also enhanced, permitting him to spot objects from great distances.


Because of his wealth, Mosley has access to the most advanced equipment and weapons available. He sponsors many research teams which provide him with any device he desires. The Ultra-Detector that he supllied Rafferty with was created by one such team.

  • Appearances of Edwin Mosley (Earth-93060)
  • Minor Appearances of Edwin Mosley (Earth-93060)
  • Media Edwin Mosley (Earth-93060) was Mentioned in
  • Images featuring Edwin Mosley (Earth-93060)
  • Quotations by or about Edwin Mosley (Earth-93060)
  • Character Gallery: Edwin Mosley (Earth-93060) 
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edwin_Mosley_(comics)


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