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Appearing in "In the Name of Love"

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Synopsis for "In the Name of Love"

Phoenix is reviewing her latest VR session in the Proteus Room when Captain Britain suddenly appears by tapping into her time-shifting powers. Pulled toward each other, they cry out in pain, and then he vanishes again. Phoenix realizes they can no longer coexist in the same timeline and agonizes over how to save him. In the infirmary, Moira, Rory, and Shadowcat discuss how to treat Meggan’s depression since she has reverted to her original bestial form, and Rory restrains her. When Phoenix enters, Rory notices a look Meggan gives her and realizes Phoenix is hiding something. Nightcrawler visits Spoor’s cell and offers his help, but Spoor just taunts him. Outside, Rory finds Phoenix brooding on a clifftop, and she confides in him about her reluctance to help Captain Britain. Elsewhere, Mr. Sinister is displeased by Siena Blaze’s failure to procure Proteus’s DNA. But, when Blaze reveals she scratched Phoenix during their battle, Sinister eagerly takes a sample of Phoenix’s DNA from Blaze’s glove. Back on Muir Island, Phoenix reflects on her past as a mutant-hunting Hound until Rory knocks on her door. Nightcrawler muses on his own familial ties and misses Cerise. Shadowcat finally unpacks her bag from attending Illyana’s funeral and finds a note from Jubilee with the Bamf doll Kitty gave her. The next morning, Moira finds Meggan in an agitated state, and Meggan knocks her out. Then, Meggan attacks Phoenix and demands her help to rescue Captain Britain. Rory tranquilizes Meggan, but Phoenix tells him he had no right to intervene.


See Also


Try Your Luck

