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Appearing in "Punch-Out on the Intergalactic Express!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • NYPD
  • Joe
  • Mathers (Corpse)




Synopsis for "Punch-Out on the Intergalactic Express!"

At Avengers Mansion, Darkhawk and numerous other superheroes board Quinjets bound for Paradise Omega to confront the Goddess. After takeoff, Darkhawk overhears Spider-Woman recording a message for her daughter, and he broods over balancing his responsibilities as a superhero with those to his family. Declining to join a poker game with the other superheroes, he retreats to another room and reverts to Chris Powell. At the Queens County courthouse, Grace Powell rationalizes kicking Chris out and worries about her other sons. Meanwhile, Broderick Bazin continues his kill spree, murdering one of his father’s enemies. Bazin’s sister Allegra visits the Elmhurst Hotel looking for Chris, but Jason Powell tells her he has moved out. Aboard the Quinjet, Darkhawk is confiding in Spider-Woman when Night Thrasher enters and picks a fight. He blames Darkhawk for being unable to sort out his past during their encounter with Zarrko, and they come to blows. Hearing the other commotion, several other superheroes come to intervene, but Thrasher lashes out at Northstar, starting a brawl. Soon, the Human Torch and the Thing join the fight, and Cyclops and Polaris try to contain the damage. The Thing dodges one of Darkhawk’s blasts, and it ignites a fuel line. At the Elmhurst, Grace returns home to find Allegra waiting. They argue about Chris until Grace suggests they keep their families apart. Both are unaware Broderick is watching them. Back on the Quinjet, Darkhawk and the other superheroes work together to repair the fuel line. Darkhawk is embarrassed over his role in the brawl, but Mr. Fantastic and the Thing tell him to learn from it and move on. At the Elmhurst, Jason and Jonathan argue over Chris’s blameworthiness for the family’s problems until Grace tells them to stop, and they leave to see a movie. Stalking them, Broderick vows revenge.


  • This issue is part of the "Infinity Crusade" crossover event, taking place between Infinity Crusade #3 and #4.
  • This issue is reprinted in the Infinity Crusade Omnibus hardcover published in 2020.

See Also


Try Your Luck

