Appearing in "Bring on the Bad Guys"
Featured Villains:
Featured Heroes:
- Fantastic Four
- Dr. Strange
- Thor
- Captain America (Steve Rogers)
- Spider-Man
- Incredible Hulk
- Silver Surfer
Other Characters
- Doombot
- Several pirates
- Mr. Spliny
- Boris
- Ancient One
- Clea
- Mindless Ones
- Odin
- Storm Giants
- Ghan the Storm Giant
- Uller
- Valsak
- Jane Foster
- Harris Hobbs
- Absorbing Man
- Nazi Party
- Adolf Hitler (Only in flashback)
- Bucky Barnes
- Schultz
- Mike Duffy
- Wolfgang
- Aunt May
- Betty Brant
- J. Jonah Jameson
- Ned Leeds
- Anna Watson
- Enforcers (Only in flashback)
- Fancy Dan (Only in flashback)
- Montana (Only in flashback)
- Raymond Bloch (Only in flashback)
- Mendel Stromm (Only in flashback)
- Human Torch (Johnny Storm) (Only in flashback)
- Lucky Lobo (Only in flashback)
- Crime Master I (Nick Lewis, Sr.
- Harry Osborne
- Dr. Bromwell
- Thunderbolt Ross
- Glenn Talbot
- Betty Ross
- Stranger
- Rick Jones
- Shalla-Bal
- Doctor Doom's Armor
- Fantasti-Flare
- Merlin Stones
- Doctor Doom's Time Platform
- Mjolnir
- Absorbing Man's Ball and Chain
- Captain America's Shield
- Spider-Man's Web-Shooters
- Pumpkin Bomb
- Gamma Ray Projector
- Silver Surfer's Surfboard
- Doctor Doom's Helicopter
- Goblin Glider
- Tetroscope
- Goblin Cannon
Synopsis for "Bring on the Bad Guys"
Amazing Spider-Man #40
""Spidey Saves the Day!" Featuring: The End of the Green Goblin!"
(September, 1966)
""Spidey Saves the Day!" Featuring: The End of the Green Goblin!"
(September, 1966)
- Prologue, framing introductions, and epilogue by Stan Lee.
- In between stories a number of one page detailed art of the "Bad Guys" is presented. Some is recycled from previous work. Some is original like the John Romita Sr. art below.
John Romita's Red Skull from "Bring on the Bad Guys"