Appearing in "Coming Home"
Featured Characters:
- Caitlin Fairchild (Flashback and main story)
Supporting Characters:
- Gen 13 (Only in flashback)
- Brad
- Karen
- unnamed secret agents
- Traveller (Only in flashback)
Other Characters:
- Wesley
- Wildstorm Universe
- United States of America
- Portland, Oregon
- United States of America
Synopsis for "Coming Home"
After their encounter with the Traveller, Gen 13 splits up to take some personal time. Fairchild takes a bus to Portland, Oregon to visit her family. Her cousin meets her at the bus station, but secret agents have paid her cousin’s husband to help capture her. The agents tase her, leaving her dazed. Thinking they are Keepers, she flees into a railyard and is hit by an oncoming train. Enraged, she tosses the train car at her pursuers. A man who says he works for Lynch drives up in a car and helps her escape. The agents then radio Lynch, who they were working for all along, and tell him Fairchild is on her way.
Appearing in "Desert Bloom"
Featured Characters:
Other Characters:
- John Two-Raven (First appearance)
- Wildstorm Universe
- United States of America
- Arizona
- San Carlos Apache Reservation
- Arizona
- United States of America
Synopsis for "Desert Bloom"
Burnout drives to the San Carlos Apache Reservation in Arizona to pick up Rainmaker. She introduces him to her uncle, and they watch an Apache rain dance ritual. Bobby makes an insensitive comment so she takes him into the desert to explain her people’s beliefs and how important they are to her. He apologizes and admits how Gen 13 are the closest thing to family he has ever had. Later, the two leave for Las Vegas to pickup Freefall and Grunge.
Appearing in "The Big Deal"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Vito Spinelli (First appearance)
- Guido
- Tony
Other Characters:
- Liu Won Yu
Synopsis for "The Big Deal"
Freefall and Grunge are in Las Vegas looking for her stepmother. They enter a casino, and Grunge has Freefall use her powers to help him cheat at roulette. The first player he beats, who is actually a hitman, gives him his jacket. Roxy learns her stepmother has already left for New York as Grunge wins more money. The casino boss takes notice and, because of the jacket, mistakes him for the hitman. Outraged, the boss sends his henchmen after Roxy and Grunge. The two flee through the casino and make it outside just as Burnout and Rainmaker pull up in their van. They get in, and the group hastily drives away.
Appearing in "Things Change"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Wildstorm Universe
- United States of America
- San Diego, California
- McLean, Virginia
- International Operations Headquarters
- United States of America
Synopsis for "Things Change"
Lynch sneaks into IO Headquarters in Virginia and erases the agency’s files on him and the members of Gen 13 from IO’s central database. His former colleagues Frank Colby and Alicia Turner catch him in the act but decide to let him go. Later, in La Jolla, California, the Gen 13 kids arrive at the address Lynch gave them. Anna, the housekeeper, introduces herself and lets them in. Lynch is waiting inside and tells them their training is about to begin.
- This issue is reprinted in:
- Gen 13 Backlist trade paperback (1997);
- Wildstorm Archives: Gen 13 trade paperback (1998).