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Appearing in "The Future is a Four-Letter Word (Part 1)"

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Synopsis for "The Future is a Four-Letter Word (Part 1)"

  • Synopsis not yet written.

Solicit Synopsis

Spinning directly out of UNCANNY X-MEN comes the most important new X-Book in years—GENERATION HOPE! When Hope Summers returned from the future she triggered the rebirth of the mutant gene. Five lights appeared on Cerebra and five mutants’ powers came to life, but their activations have been chaotic and dangerous, nearly killing each of them. It was only the touch of Hope that saved their lives. With Rogue and the four new mutants who were gathered in UNCANNY X-MEN, Hope heads to Japan to join Cyclops, Wolverine and the fifth light. But will this new light be a hero or a villain? Only KIERONGILLEN (THOR) and SALVA ESPIN (SAVAGE SHE-HULK) know!


  • Also includes "The Saga of Hope", detailing to the events leading to Hope's birth and her history to this point written by Mike O'Sullivan.

See Also

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