Hey Kids Comics Wiki

This page may contain some of the same content as the Marvel Database article. A more complete and current article is at the Marvel Comics Database Ghost (Earth-1610).
The complete list of authors can be seen in that articles page history. We wish to thank all awesome contributors at the Marvel Database who have worked so hard to bring us this information..

Ghost is an unidentified man who is an agent of Howard Stark Senior, Tony's supposedly dead grandfather. Howard had Ghost steal secret information belonging to Tony, a cube that supposedly contained great secrets to behind Tony's technology. When they opened it, it was discovered to be the remains of a dead Tony Stark of another universe, Earth-242. This particular dead Stark possessed a very unique self-defense system within its alien tech that disables machinery nearby. Apparently Ghost was another human that depended on Iron Man-tech to stay alive and Ghost along with Howard died moments after understanding its nature.

  • 3 Appearances of Ghost (Earth-1610)
  • Minor Appearances of Ghost (Earth-1610)
  • Media Ghost (Earth-1610) was Mentioned in
  • Images featuring Ghost (Earth-1610)
  • Quotations by or about Ghost (Earth-1610)
  • Character Gallery: Ghost (Earth-1610)


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