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Appearing in "Road to Ruin"

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Synopsis for "Road to Ruin"

Geez. They buried Ravage alive, vaporized the Punisher, and blew away the Hulk – what do they have cooked up for Ghost Rider?

Psiclone is terrorizing Transverse City while hapless SHIELD agents try in vain to stop its onslaught. To avoid Psiclone growing and becoming the extinction of human civilization, Ghostworks contacts C.E.O. of D/Monix Dyson Kellerman and explain how the mind-control power of the chip Doom implanted in Kellerman's brain could be broadcast to the city. As soon as uniformity of the citizenry is established, Psiclone reduces to nothing.

Meanwhile, Ghost Rider 2099 has been captured by Dr. Neon who is trying to revive him. Just before a successful revival, Ghost Rider is flooded with memories of significant figures from his past, including Coda, Heartbreaker, Kabal, L-Cypher, and more. Then, Ghost Rider goes berserk, but is quickly shut down again.

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