A Dark Knight: That's Entertainment
You're as crazy as I am. It's in your DNA. See, we got the same blood running through us. We are practically identical. You are a killer. It's your nature. Don't try to fight it.
Appearing in "A Dark Knight: That's Entertainment"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Alfred Pennyworth
- Bruce Wayne
- Gotham City Police Department
- Jeremiah Valeska Joker (Origin revealed)
- Penguin
- Selina Kyle
- Tabitha Galavan
- League of Shadows
- Ra's al Ghul Painting
- Legion of Horribles
- Sisters of the League
- Zhang (Only appearance; dies)[1]
Other Characters:
- Commissioner Reynolds (Final appearance; Dies)
- Gertrude Haverstock (First appearance)
- Gloria Bainbridge (Only appearance; dies)[1]
- Mayor Holden Pritchard (First appearance)
- Hugo Strange (Mentioned)
- Thomas Wayne (Mentioned)
- Gotham City
- Arkham Asylum (Mentioned)
- Coventry
- GCPD Headquarters
- Haly's Circus (Mentioned)
- Paisley Square
- Wayne Industries
- Wayne Manor
- Cryo-Suit
- Freeze Grenades
- Laughing Gas
- Mister Freeze's Ice Gun
- Air Gotham Blimp
Synopsis for "A Dark Knight: That's Entertainment"
James Gordon goes to Bruce with a plan when Jerome makes demands on gotham. Penguin has second thoughts, and Barbara Kean unlocks her destiny.
See Also
- Images from Gotham (TV Series) Episode: A Dark Knight: That's Entertainment
- Episodes of Gotham (TV Series)
- Images from Gotham (TV Series)
- Gallery for the Gotham (TV Series) series
Recommended Media
- None.
Links and References
- None.