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Heroes Rise: Heavydirtysoul
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Gotham (TV Series) Episode: Heroes Rise: Destiny Calling
Appearing in "Heroes Rise: Heavydirtysoul"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Alfred Pennyworth (Flashback and main story)
- Army of Freaks
- Bruce Wayne (Flashback and main story)
- Gotham City Police Department
- Barbara Kean (Death)
- Butch Gilzean (Death)
- Lee Thompkins
- Ra's al Ghul (Flashback and main story)
- Riddler (Edward Nygma) Frozen
- Selina Kyle
- Tabitha Galavan
Other Characters:
- Elijah Van Dahl (In a photograph only)
- Jervis Tetch
- Gotham City
- Coventry
- GCPD Headquarters
- Gotham General Hospital
- Gotham Harbor
- Gotham River
- Gotham Subway
- Iceberg Lounge (Mentioned)
- Yuyan Building
- Alice Tetch's Blood
- Alice Tetch Antidote
- Cryo-Suit
- GCPD Spotlight (Cameo)
- Mister Freeze's Ice Gun
Synopsis for "Heroes Rise: Heavydirtysoul"
Gordon decides to search for Lee after receiving her call, while Nygma and Barbara want to get antidote and Jervis Tetch from prison, clashing with Butch, Tabitha and Cobblepot, the latter who Nygma wants to kill him. Bruce makes a fateful decision about his role in Gotham after his encounter with Ra's al Ghul.
- At the end of the episode, Bruce Wayne saves a family from a mugger, foreshadowing his eventual turn into Batman.
See Also
- Images from Gotham (TV Series) Episode: Heroes Rise: Heavydirtysoul
- Episodes of Gotham (TV Series)
- Images from Gotham (TV Series)
- Gallery for the Gotham (TV Series) series
Recommended Media
- None.
Links and References
- None.