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Quote1 Hmm. Hammered iron on a reed shaft. Not very sophisticated, but it seems effective. Quote2
-- Oliver Queen

Appearing in "Round the Horn Part 2"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Ian Carmichael
  • Bryant
  • Angel Hawkins


  • Poachers

Other Characters:

  • Juel
  • Hans Krieger




Synopsis for "Round the Horn Part 2"

Oliver Queen and the team of anti-poaching mercenaries discuss how they will find rhinos and their poachers when Bryant produces satellite photos and infrared scans from their benefactors, indication the locations of rhinos and poachers. When a gust of wind blows Bryant's files into the air, Ollie glimpses a logo "WWC", which he is told to forget he saw.
Angel Hawkins uses a well-equipped microlight/glider to scout while the team heads toward the location on foot. Oliver and guide Ian Carmichael come across a Tsetse fly trap. He explains that the traps are a ruse by the government, to eventually cultivate the land, and destroy the eco-system - all of which is otherwise prevented by the Tsetse fly's ability to make the land inhospitable for cattle.
Angel notices the poachers, and relays information about their location and arms to the mercenary team, who rush to get to the rhinos before the poachers. When Ian aims his gun at the poachers, Bryant indicates that in order to stop the poachers, they'll have to follow them back to their bosses, and work their way up the chain - otherwise there will merely be more poachers to follow. Ian realizes that they will have to let the poachers kill the rhinos.
Despite Bryant's warning, Ian fires his shotgun at the poachers, and the mercenaries are forced to open fire. All of the poachers are killed, and the rhinos bolt.
Back at camp, Angel thanks Oliver for saving her life during the shoot-out, and reveals that she and Ian had been lovers once. Later that night, Oliver sneaks out of camp and dismantles the Tsetse fly trap as Ian watches from afar.

See Also


Try Your Luck

