Appearing in "Lying to Myself"
Featured Characters:
- Green Arrow (Flashback and main story)
Supporting Characters:
- Black Canary (Flashback and main story)
- Conor Hawke (Flashback and main story)
- Flash (Barry Allen)
- Hal Jordan (Flashback and main story)
- Mia Dearden (Flashback and main story)
- Green Arrow (Flashback and main story)
- Kid Flash
- Superboy
- Superman
- Wonder Woman
Other Characters:
- Kyle Rayner (Appears in flashback and main story)
- Roy Harper (Appears in flashback and main story)
- Sandra Hawke (Appears in flashback and main story)
- Shado (Appears in flashback and main story)
- Sinestro Corps
- Coast City
- Star City (Appears in flashback and main story)
Synopsis for "Lying to Myself"
- Synopsis not yet written
The cover to this issue is an homage to the first appearance of Green Arrow in the second Green Lantern series, in Green Lantern #76, in which Green Arrow fires an arrow towards Green Lantern's Power Battery as he is charging his ring.
See Also
Recommended Reading
Links and References
- Blackest Night at
- Blackest Night at DC Comics
- The Annotated Blackest Night
- Blackest Night at IGN Website
- Blackest Night at TV Tropes