Hey Kids Comics Wiki
Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Gwyneth Tate is a TV news reporter who was working for WHIZ-TV in Fawcett City. During Darkseid's "Operation: Humiliation", she was interviewing G. Gordon Godfrey, who previously was talking to Billy Batson on his TV talk show, who continued to preach that superheroes were becoming a dangerously outmoded concept, as evidenced by what appeared to be Macro-Man's death at the hands of Captain Marvel when he used his Shazam lightning bolt to escape his grasp.

  • 4 Appearances of Gwyneth Tate (New Earth)
  • Minor Appearances of Gwyneth Tate (New Earth)
  • Media Gwyneth Tate (New Earth) was Mentioned in
  • Images featuring Gwyneth Tate (New Earth)
  • Quotations by or about Gwyneth Tate (New Earth)
  • Character Gallery: Gwyneth Tate (New Earth)


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