Appearing in 1st story
Featured Profiles:
- A-Bomb
- American Eagle
- Angel
- Ant-Man
- Anti-Venom
- Aquarian
- Arabian Knight
- Arachne
- Asgardians
- Atlas
- Aurora
- Batwing
- Beast
- Bengal
- Beta Ray Bill
- Big Hero 6
- Black Cat
- Black Knight
- Black Panther (T'Challa)
- Black Panther (Shuri)
- Black Tarantula
- Black Widow
- Blade
- Blazing Skull
- Blonde Phantom
- Elsa Bloodstone
- Blue Shield
- Abigail Brand
- Bride of Nine Spiders
- Butterball
- Luke Cage
- Captain America
- Captain Britain
- Captain Ultra
- Challenger
- Amadeus Cho
- Citizen V
- Cloak
- Cloud 9
- Colossus
- Cyclops
- Dagger
- Damage Control
- Daredevil
- Darkhawk
- Dazzler
- Deadpool
- Death's Head
- Diamondback
- Doctor Strange
- Doctor Voodoo
- Dog Brother
- Echo
- Elektra
- Eternals
- Excalibur
- Falcon
- Fat Cobra
- Finesse
- Fixer
- Force
- Frog-Man
- Emma Frost
- Nick Fury
- Gambit
- Gauntlet
- Ghost Rider
- Gibbon
- Gloriana
- Goliath
- Gorilla Girl
- Gorilla-Man
- Great Lakes Initiative
- Nate Grey
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Hardball
- Hawkeye
- Hazmat
- Hellcat
- Maria Hill
- Hulk
- Human Robot
- Human Torch (Jim Hammond)
- Human Torch (Johnny Storm)
- Iceman
- Inhumans
- Invisible Woman
- Iron Fist
- Iron Man
- Jack Flag
- Jackpot
- Jewel
- Jocasta
- Justice
- Ka-Zar
- Komodo
- Loners
- Mach-5
- Machine Man
- Man-Thing
- Marvel Boy
- Ian McNee
- Mettle
- Mister Fantastic
- Mockingbird
- Moon Knight
- Ms. Marvel
- Namor the Sub-Mariner
- Namora
- New Mutants
- Night Nurse
- Night Thrasher
- Nighthawk
- Northstar
- Nova
- Paladin
- People's Defense Force
- Photon
- Portal
- Prince of Orphans
- Prodigy
- Professor X
- Protector
- Kitty Pryde
- Psylocke
- Punisher
- Quasar
- Quicksilver
- Rage
- Rangers
- Reptil
- Rogue
- Runaways
- Sabra
- Sasquatch
- Scarlet Spider
- Scorpion
- Secret Warriors
- Sepulchre
- Shang-Chi
- Shanna the She-Devil
- She-Hulk
- Shroud
- Silhouette
- Silver Sable
- Silver Surfer
- Skaar
- Slapstick
- Snowbird
- Songbird
- Speedball
- Spider-Man
- Spider-Woman
- Spitfire
- Starfox
- Steel Spider
- Storm
- Striker
- Talisman
- Tarantula
- Thing
- Thor
- Thor Girl
- 3-D Man
- Tiger's Beautiful Daughter
- Tigra
- Toro
- Trauma
- True Believers
- Two-Gun Kid
- Ultragirl
- Union Jack
- USAgent
- Valkyrie
- Veil
- Venus
- War Machine
- Warbound
- Wasp
- White Tiger
- Winter Guard
- Pete Wisdom
- Wolverine
- Wonder Man
- Jimmy Woo
- X-Factor
- X-Force
- Young Allies
- Young Avengers
Synopsis for 1st story
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
Enter the Heroic Age! In the aftermath of SIEGE, Steve Rogers assesses the state of Earth's heroes in this 64-page extravaganza of character files! From old friends like Thor to newcomers such as Reptil, Steve asks this question: what makes them heroes? Find out how he really feels, and see how your favorite hero ranks in this ultimate countdown!
- Consists of third-page profiles that include short bios, affiliations, current status, pros, cons, and Power Grids consisting of the individual's Power, Conscience, Altruism, Wisdom, Courage, Determination, Free Will, and Vulnerability on a scale of 1 to 10.