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Quote1 You know what I just did? I just shot my daddy through the head. Quote2
-- Tommy Monaghan

Appearing in "Katie: Part 1"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Tom Dawson (First appearance) (Appears in flashback and main story)

Other Characters:

  • Billy Monaghan (First appearance) (Appears in flashback and main story)
  • Kathryn Monaghan (First appearance) (Appears in flashback and main story)
  • Johnny Monaghan (First appearance) (Appears in flashback and main story)
  • Philomena Monaghan (First appearance) (Appears in flashback and main story)
  • Sister Concepta
  • Sister Mary (Single appearance)[1]




Synopsis for "Katie: Part 1"

Tommy Monaghan and Deborah Tiegel are in a hot tub together and they get into a fight about how Tommy earns his money. Tommy leaves and meets Natt the Hat, who introduces Tommy to Frances Monaghan, who claims to be his big sister.

Frances tells Tommy she has been looking for him for five years. During the search she discovered that their mother, Kathryn Monaghan died at St. Killian's orphanage in Gotham. Tommy rushes to the orphanage and confronts sister Concepta about his mother. While in her room, he discovers Sean Noonan hiding in the closet. Tommy tells the two of them to meet him at Noonan's bar in half an hour.

They meet, along with Frances and Concepta tells Frances and Tommy that their mother was murdered. Concepta tells them how one day Kathryn came to the orphanage pregnant. One winter day she ran out into the snow. Noonan and some men from the neighborhood searched for her and Noonan found her body and baby Tommy next to it. The name Tommy Monaghan was written in blood in the snow. Kathryn had been stabbed to death.

Frances tells Tommy she is going to finish things by going back to Ireland and he is welcome to join her. Tommy goes with Frances and on the flight she tells him how their mother was a prostitute in Halfmiletown, Ireland. Whenever she had a child, she named it after one of her johns.

See Also


  1. First and only known appearance to date besides flashbacks

Try Your Luck

