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Appearing in "Catch as Cats Can!"

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Synopsis for "Catch as Cats Can!"

The Baron thinks that he is being hexed by a little girl he suspects of being a witch and her cat familiar but it's actually the cat who is the witch not the little girl.

Appearing in "Pay the Piper"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Pay the Piper"

An abusive father and his crippled son are hiking in the mountains when they are visited by Death in the guise of a shepherd. The boy takes a liking to Death and Death leads him to a meadow where he can play with other children and doesn't need his crutch to walk. When Death returns the boy to his father the man resents the friendship between the two, but offers Death fifty dollars to lead them to the nearest village. Eventually the father becomes so irate that he fires his guide and refuses to pay him. Death plays his pipes and the boy leaves his father. The two disappear into the side of a mountain and the father asks the local villagers for help, but no one believes him until he shows them the photograph he took of Death. The villager shows the man a very old book from the middle ages that portrayed Death as he saw him, a kindly person who offered rest and relief from plague.

Appearing in "Instant Re-Kill!"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Instant Re-Kill!"

An insane actor brutally murders his co-star in order to get the jilted lover scene just right and can't understand why arresting officers aren't convinced that it's just a movie.

See Also


Try Your Luck

