Hey Kids Comics Wiki

History of character is unknown.


Magic: unfortunately, does not work against the dead.

  • Hypnotism: he is an expert in the field of hypnosis. His ability to hypnotize and mentally control the actions of others borders on superhuman.
  • Illusion Casting: he can project illusions that seem very realistic. Often his subjects cannot tell reality from his projections.


  • He can escape easily from ropes and strait-jackets.
  • He is able to disengage his shadow.
  • Indian rope trick.


  • Because his powers are within his "hypnotic" eyes, if blindfolded his magic does not work.

Friends: Lorna Dorne, who's engaged to him, and Balthar, a giant boy with a magical turban who befriended him.

  • Balthar's magical turban can be unraveled and used as a rope to climb up on or a bridge to cross.


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