Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Appearing in "When Meet the Immortals!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Previous Appearance of The Demon The Demon

Other Characters:

  • An agent working for J.B. Stardust




Synopsis for "When Meet the Immortals!"

  • Synopsis not yet written.

Appearing in "Tales of Asgard: The Queen Commands!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Mjolnir
  • Loki's Potion Vapor Cannon
  • Grapple Rings of the Flying Trolls


  • Odinship

Synopsis for "Tales of Asgard: The Queen Commands!"

Continued from last issue...

The Flying Trolls of Ula attacking Thor's ship, Thor, Balder and the Warriors Three lead the crew in a counter attack to defend their ship from the looting trolls.

As the battle rages, Loki, Magrat, and Kroda go below the ship to gather materials for a potion which Loki unleashes into the air that poisons the Trolls, causing the majority of their numbers to fall dead out of the sky. With the battle over, Loki takes all the credit and gloats about being able to stop the horde before Thor could.

Loki's boasts are short lived however, when two of the surviving Trolls capture him and carry him away to the Hive of Stone. Thor in turn, tells his crew that the kidnapping of Loki was an attack on them all, and orders them to prepare for battle. While inside the Hive, Ula has anticipated this move and orders her men to prepare a fitting welcome for the sons of Odin.

This story is continued next issue...


  • This is the final issue of Journey into Mystery. The title changes its name to The Mighty Thor but keeps the numbering.
  • "Tales of Asgard: The Queen Commands!" is reprinted as the backup feature in Marvel Spectacular #10.

See Also


Try Your Luck

