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Quote1 Silly boy! What does any girl in love want... A kiss! Quote2
-- Kree-Nal src 

Sea Circe, better known as Kree-Nal was a sea sorceress who had a magical gaze that could transform her enemies into subservient monsters.

When she became bored of living underwater, she came to the surface wanting to be the master of the human race. As she began changing people into monsters, this caught the attention of the Jaguar. In their confrontation, she realized that her gaze had no affect on him, and suggested that they team up together to rule the universe. Jaguar rejected her offer, and thus she continued with her rampage of transforming people.

Thinking quickly, Jaguar noticed that Kree-Nal couldn't stand ugliness, and was obsessed with perfection and beauty. It became clear that he had to outwit her. They made a promise of marriage, but if he ever became ugly, she would have to change all the monsters back to humans and go back to the sea. Soon after the agreement, Jaguar distorted his face into a hideous "cat-like" form. Shocked by this, she became disgusted, and kept her promise by returning the monsters to their normal selves.

Soon after their first confrontation, Jaguar sought her help. They struck up a friendship, and Kree-Nal, who always found the Jaguar quite handsome, and continued to lust after him, helped him during several of his exploits. In fact, she teamed up with fellow rivals for Jaguar's love, Jill Ross and Cat Girl, to form the Jaguar Rescue Team. 


  • Amphibian: she can survive both underwater and on land with no limited time restrictions.
  • Molecular Reconstruction: Her magical gaze can turn humans into subservient monsters. She can also transform monsters into harmless creatures.
  • Zoopathy: She is able to telepathically communicate with marine life.


  • Her kind, underwater people, cannot break a promise, otherwise he or she will die.


She can swim at the speed of light by her own powers, and is aware of several "underground rivers."[1]


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